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Search Results: exam

Extensions to evaluating study attainments [article]

The Academic Rector has decided that the authority given to individual teachers to decide on their teaching for the duration of the exceptional circumstances also pertains to defining the time in which exams and other assignments are assessed and their results published. Teachers can now, at their own discretion and for compelling/justified reasons, deviate from […]

University of Eastern Finland closes its facilities and moves to online teaching and remote work [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will close its campuses and moves all teaching online, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Finnish Government on 16 March. All facilities of the University of Eastern Finland will be closed on Tuesday 17 March 2020. The Government has announced, in cooperation with the President of the Republic, […]

Studying and teaching arrangements, coronavirus situation [page]

Updated 15.9.2022 The foundation of all activities is to ensure that it is safe to work and study at the university. This calls for responsible behavior from us all. It is very important that you follow the guidelines and recommendations given by the university and the relevant authorities. The university is continuously monitoring the situation […]

University of Eastern Finland gives teachers authority over their teaching [article]

Due to the coronavirus situation, the Board of the University of Eastern Finland decided on 13 March 2020 that the UEF University Regulations will be temporarily amended so that teachers in charge of courses can decide on changes to the ways their courses are organised and evaluated. “By changing the way teaching and exams are […]

Campus restaurants’ coronavirus guidelines [article]

News bulletin from Compass Group, the provider of campus restaurant services, 13 March 2020. The health and safety of our employees, customers and consumers is our highest priority. We consider guidelines issued by authorities a minimum requirement. In addition, we are proactively adjusting our operations on a daily basis to ensure the security of our […]

University of Eastern Finland tightens regulations on the COVID-19 coronavirus [article]

The University of Eastern Finland tightens its regulations relating to the COVID-19 coronavirus. As of Friday, 13 March 2020, all work- and studies-related travel abroad is prohibited, and leisure time travel is recommended to be avoided as well. Everyone returning from abroad must work or study from home for 14 days before coming to the […]

University of Eastern Finland makes teaching available online due to the coronavirus situation [article]

Teaching at the University of Eastern Finland is organised normally at the moment. However, since the coronavirus situation keeps evolving and it can be seen that the epidemic is expanding, the University of Eastern Finland seeks to safeguard the availability of teaching also under exceptional circumstances. The university’s Academic Rector decided on 12 March 2020 […]

An appeal for ISYY’s members: Vote in the Representative Council elections [article]

The Central Election Committee of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) appeals to every member of ISYY to vote in the Representative Council elections. By participating in the Representative Council elections, you can best influence the most important matters of your student life and take part in the decision-making. Don’t miss […]

Guidelines for accessibility in studies are updated [article]

Guidelines for individual arrangements related to entrance examinations and studies are updated via KAMU: (The Decision of the Academic Rector 17.6.2019, Instructions for Students and Individual Study Arrangements Form). Individual study arrangements refer to measures previously known as special arrangements.