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Search Results: attending

Restriction on public gatherings tightened to 20 people [article]

The number of people attending events organised by the university (public examinations of doctoral dissertations, lectures, exams, etc.) is limited to 20 people until 14 February 2022. The restriction follows the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland’s latest decision, according to which all public events and gatherings of more than 20 people indoors, and […]

50-person limit on gatherings lifted, physical distancing and hygiene guidelines must still be followed [article]

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland decided on 17 May 2021 to ease restrictions on gatherings. Public events and general meetings organised indoors and in limited spaces outdoors may have more than 50 people attending, provided that their safety can be ensured. In practice, this means strict adherence to the physical distancing (2 […]

20-person limit on gatherings continues on both campuses until 22 May 2021 [article]

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland has continued its order which prohibits, in the municipalities of its area of jurisdiction, all public events and general meetings, both indoors and outdoors, which have more than 20 people attending. The order is in effect from 23 April 2021 to 22 May 2021 and it is […]

20-person limit on gatherings continues on both campuses until 22 April 2021 [article]

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland has continued its order which prohibits, in the municipalities of its area of jurisdiction, all public events and general meetings, both indoors and outdoors, which have more than 20 people attending. The order is in effect from 23 March 2021 to 22 April 2021 and it is […]

20-person limit on gatherings continues on both campuses until 22 March 2021 [article]

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland has continued its order which prohibits, in the municipalities of its area of jurisdiction, all public events and general meetings, both indoors and outdoors, which have more than 20 people attending. The order is in effect from 23 February 2021 to 22 March 2021 and it is […]

20-person limit on gatherings continues on both campuses until 22 February 2021 [article]

The Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland has continued its order which prohibits, in the municipalities of its area of jurisdiction, all public events and general meetings, both indoors and outdoors, which have more than 20 people attending. The order is in effect from 23 January 2021 to 22 February 2021 and it is […]

Degree students, remember to pay your FSHS healthcare fee to Kela by 31st January 2021! [article]

The student healthcare fee must be paid by all students who are completing a degree at a Finnish institution of higher education and have registered as attending for the term. No bill will be sent on the healthcare fee, and thus you have to pay the fee on your own initiative. In 2021, the healthcare […]

20-person limit on gatherings is applied to both campuses until 22 January 2021 [article]

By Section 58(1) of the Infectious Diseases Act, the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland has prohibited, in the municipalities of its area of jurisdiction, all public events and general meetings, both indoors and outdoors, which have more than 20 people attending. The order is in effect from 23 December 2020 to 22 January […]

Healthcare fee for students in higher education starting 1 January 2021 [article]

Starting 1 January 2021 the healthcare fee for students in higher education will be paid to Kela (Social Insurance Institution of Finland). Until 31 December 2020 the healthcare fee has been included in the student union membership fee. You can find information on the healthcare fee for students in higher education on the Kela website […]