Search Results: e-services
Kela’s press release for Students: Return overpaid financial aid by the end of April [article]
If you want to voluntarily repay student financial aid for 2020, you must do this before the end of April 2021. If overpaid financial aid is not returned in time, it is collected back at 7.5% interest. Students whose income for 2020 exceeds a specified annual limit can voluntarily return overpaid study grant and student […]
Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology: Instructions for publishing the dissertation [page]
Preparing your dissertation for printing You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. In Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology it is recommended to use the layout template (Word or Latex) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process. Please, note dissertations of Forest Sciences are published in Dissertationes […]
Faculty of Health Sciences’ instructions for publishing the dissertation [page]
Preparing your dissertation for printing You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. It is recommended to use the layout template (docx) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process. The new style sheet needs to be used in doctoral dissertations as of 1 January 2021. The document opens […]
Bulletin about certificates [article]
Degree certificates and other similar certificates will be awarded also when the university’s facilities are closed. The student needs to submit his or her application electronically. The application for a Bachelor’s or a doctoral degree is submitted electronically in e-Services, and the application for a Master’s degree on an electronic form. At the Faculty of […]
Other social benefits for students [page]
The Finnish Social Security and it’s benefits are based on residency and it is defined by the Act respecting Residence-Based Social Security. Usually international students are not eligible for the Finnish Social Security system, as their residency in Finland is not considered permanent in nature. If you have a permanent dwelling and domicile in Finland […]
General instructions related to graduation [page]
Applying for a degree To ensure graduation by the end of the semester, respect the deadlines: Applications received after the deadlines will be processed in order of arrival. Please note that for late applications we cannot promise that the degree certificate will be delivered before the end of the semester. Degree certificates will be dated […]
The examination and evaluation of the theses included in the advanced studies [page]
Instructions and process Student: Using Turnitin plagiarism detection software on Moodle prior to officially submitting your thesis for examination Upload your thesis to Moodle for your supervisor to perform plagiarism detection on it. Your supervisor will review the plagiarism detection report. If everything is OK, your supervisor will send you an email and gives you […]
Transcript of records and study certificate [page]
The studies completed at the University of Eastern Finland will appear in your transcript of records. The transcript includes information about completed courses, grades and ECTS credits, teachers’ names, etc. The credits will appear in the transcript only after a course is completed and graded. This takes a few weeks, e.g. after an exam. Please […]
Forms [page]
Study right and registration Forms in DOCX-format should be downloaded, filled in, printed and signed! Applying for an extension to the tuition waiver Students liable for tuition fees can apply for an extension to the tuition waiver when the duration of studies with the tuition waiver is about to expire, and the student has not […]