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Search Results: examination

The examination and evaluation of the theses included in the advanced studies [page]

Instructions and process Student: Using Turnitin plagiarism detection software on Moodle prior to officially submitting your thesis for examination Upload your thesis to Moodle for your supervisor to perform plagiarism detection on it. Your supervisor will review the plagiarism detection report. If everything is OK, your supervisor will send you an email and gives you […]

Examinations [page]

General rules and regulations on study attainments, ways of completing studies, the evaluation of study attainments and reporting the results are set out in the University of Eastern Finland Education Regulations section 31. Course-specific examinations The students pre-register for each exam in Peppi during the course-specific exam registration period.  The students should always attend the first possible […]

Erasmus+ short-term exchanges [page]

The Erasmus+ programme enables mobility grants for short-term exchanges (blended intensive programmes, BIP). Blended intensive programmes, or BIP courses, are individual courses organized by UEF’s Erasmus partner universities, which students can apply for and participate in during the academic year. A student can apply for a grant through UEF, but applying for a course is a […]

Education regulations [page]

1 January 2024Pursuant to Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University has, on 12 December 2023, approved these Education Regulations, which shall be applied in the university’s operations in addition to what is laid down in the acts and decrees, and in the University Regulations of the University of Eastern […]

Assessment and registration of study attainments and publication of exam results [page]

According to the Education Regulations (2§) a study attainment refers to a course completed by the student. Assessment The teacher in charge shall be responsible for the assessment of the study attainment. If there are several implementations of the course, the teacher who was responsible for the implementation shall be responsible for the assessment. (Education […]

Individual arrangements [page]

From 1.8.2023 (Decision of the Academic Rector 16/2023 §). When are you entitled to individual study arrangements? Each student has the right to receive reasonable individual study arrangements based on health reasons. Individual study arrangements can be based on any health reason, such as dyslexia, sensory disability, mental health disorder or learning disability. Individual arrangements […]

University of Eastern Finland eases its restrictions on gatherings [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will increase the number of people allowed to attend lectures, exams and public examinations of doctoral dissertations to 100 people at a time. The new restriction is based on the decision of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland to ease restrictions on public events. The decision is in […]

University of Eastern Finland’s recommendation on online teaching ends on 31 Jan 2022 and recommendation on remote work on 15 Feb 2022 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland’s recommendation on online teaching will end at the end of January. On-campus teaching will be resumed gradually, while taking pedagogical viewpoints and restrictions on public gatherings into consideration. The number of people attending lectures, exams and public examinations of doctoral dissertations is limited to 20 people at a time until […]

Restriction on public gatherings tightened to 20 people [article]

The number of people attending events organised by the university (public examinations of doctoral dissertations, lectures, exams, etc.) is limited to 20 people until 14 February 2022. The restriction follows the Regional State Administrative Agency for Eastern Finland’s latest decision, according to which all public events and gatherings of more than 20 people indoors, and […]

University of Eastern Finland continues its recommendation on online teaching and remote work until the end of January [article]

The University of Eastern Finland continues its recommendation on online teaching and remote work until the end of January 2022 due to the coronavirus situation, which continues to be difficult. On-campus teaching will only be organised on courses where it is deemed essential, and everyone participating in on-campus teaching is required to wear a mask. […]