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Instructions for victims of the Vastaamo data breach [article]

Due to the recent data breach at Psychotherapy Centre Vastaamo, there is a need for guidance on what to do if your personal data has been breached. If you are a victim of the Vastaamo data breach, please follow the guidelines below. Office of the Data Ombudsman: Advice for the victims of the data leak […]

Study and Learning opportunities in YUFE for UEF Students, webinar on 27 October 2020 [article]

Welcome to join the webinar Study and Learning opportunities in YUFE for UEF Students on 27 October at 3.00–3.45 p.m. In this exceptional situation where we are at the moment YUFE is one opportunity to study abroad, virtually. As a YUFE student you can combine your academic endeavours with language courses, professional training and civic […]

Updates to UEF information security policy and rules [article]

The university’s information security rules have been updated to, for example, comply with changes in relevant European Union and national legislation as well as to consider changes in certain roles relating to information security and data protection. Another aim has been to make the set of rules increasingly compact. The Director of Administration has ratified […]

Academic career [page]

Career models of the UEF Four-Stage Career Model and Tenure Track Model are used in the University of Eastern Finland (as well as many other Finnish universities). Four-Stage Career Model The model seeks to promote academic career advancement and goal-oriented transition from one stage to another. The first stage for both researchers and teachers is […]

Career support in doctoral studies [page]

Courses in career planning and job searching To support career planning and enhance job searching skills of doctoral researchers, UEF Doctoral School organises two courses on an annual basis: Career planning portfolio for doctoral researchers, which focuses on identifying one’s strengths, development needs, interests, values, and goals, and identifying different career options – Tools for […]

Doctoral diploma and graduation [page]

After the public examination, the opponent gives the faculty a written statement about the dissertation, and you have the opportunity to submit a rejoinder to the opponent’s statement if you are not satisfied with the evaluation. The faculty approves or rejects the doctoral dissertation and decides on the grade. Applying for a Doctoral Degree You […]

Dissertation news releases and public examinations on UEF’s website [page]

The university’s Communications and Media Relations raises awareness of research carried out at the university by, e.g., adding information about upcoming public examinations in the university’s events calendar and publishing doctoral dissertation news releases on the university’s website and social media channels, and also by sharing this information with the media. The faculties’ designated Communications […]

Checklist for the public examination [page]

The University Library and the editors of the university publication series will be happy to assist you in all matters relating to the publishing of your dissertation. In addition, the university’s Communications and Media Relations will assist you with drafting your press release and sending it out to various media. Indeed, the only things you […]

Funding options for doctoral researchers [page]

The right to pursue doctoral studies does not include funding or a contract of employment or teaching tasks at the University. However, full-time doctoral students need funding to cover their costs of living and potential research costs (travel costs, research material etc.). Funding options should be discussed with the supervisor already when planning to apply […]

Guidance on research ethics [page]

Responsible conduct of research Responsible conduct of research forms a basis for all research activities. Responsible conduct of research means practicing integrity, meticulousness and accuracy in all phases of research, using ethically sustainable methods that fulfill scientific criteria, as well as respectful and responsible conduct towards other researchers. Responsible data management as well as openness […]