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Guidance on research ethics [page]

Responsible conduct of research Responsible conduct of research forms a basis for all research activities. Responsible conduct of research means practicing integrity, meticulousness and accuracy in all phases of research, using ethically sustainable methods that fulfill scientific criteria, as well as respectful and responsible conduct towards other researchers. Responsible data management as well as openness […]

Supervision of doctoral research [page]

Supervisors In the beginning of doctoral studies, at least two supervisors will be appointed for every doctoral researcher. The supervisors are appointed by the Dean in the decision on admission to doctoral studies. The requirements for the supervisors vary among the faculties. Changing supervisors The supervisor can be replaced for a justified reason or additional […]

Accessibility Statement [page]

Kamu – Web service Website The University of Eastern Finland wishes to guarantee the accessibility of its websites in accordance with the law about digital services (306/2019) (in Finnish). This accessibility statement applies to the website Kamu – databanl at provided by and its subsidiary pages. The website was first published on the […]

Researcher visibility [page]

UEFConnect UEFConnect is a search engine service into the expertise UEF has to offer, through which you can increase your researcher visibility. All UEF researchers and other experts have a personal profile in the service. UEFConnect also offers an arena for research groups to introduce themselves. The profiles can be linked to funding applications, for example. […]

Cotutelle double degree [page]

Cotutelle agreement gives you a chance to simultaneously graduate from the UEF and a foreign university. This is practical, for example, if your research topic is international in its nature, and/or if your supervisor works in a foreign university. The studies and the degree are carried out at both the universities according to their criteria. […]

Other courses and training [page]

In addition to studies in individual doctoral programmes and transferable skills studies provided by the doctoral school, you can take other courses and studies that are useful for your research and career. The university also offers various kinds of short-term training, which does earn you credit points. Courses on writing research funding applications There are […]

Conferences and seminars [page]

Conferences and seminars offer an opportunity to meet international colleagues, learn about their research and introduce your own research results. Experiences and knowledge of your supervisors and peers are valuable when looking for a proper conference. Information about upcoming conferences can be also found, for example, in Research Professional, where you can login using the […]

Transferable skills studies [page]

The UEF Doctoral School offers in co-operation with the Library and the Language Centre a study module in transferable skills, which is targeted at all doctoral researchers at UEF. The aim of transferable skills courses is that the doctoral researcher familiarises him/herself with the theory and philosophy of science and research ethics and assumes a […]

Bulletins and guidelines [page]

On this page: 1. Brexit and student exchanges (Updated 25 June 2024) The United Kingdom is continuing to be a part of the Erasmus+ programme as a partner country. This means that students will be able to apply for Erasmus+ exchange at UK host institutions within the framework of the Erasmus+ programme, if the student’s […]

Student exchange is allowed in the spring semester [article]

The University of Eastern Finland has decided to: allow student exchange (both incoming and outgoing) for the spring semester while observing the guidelines issued by the university, the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, and the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, as well as the guidelines of the destination countries and host institutions; and make […]