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Search Results: work

Student’s obligations [page]

Studying at the university has very few restrictions. With this freedom comes responsibility for your own studies and completing them in a timely manner. Students are helped with planning their studies, but usually not without them asking for help and support first. Students are also responsible for finding out what is needed to complete their […]

Substance abuse programme for students [page]

University of Eastern Finland has a Substance abuse programme for Students (pdf). Substance abuse contact persons Every faculty has named a substance abuse contact person. Their task is to support staff in order to take substance abuse in discussion. If needed, they arrange case management meeting with FSHS. Philosophical faculty: Riikka Myllys (Joensuu Campus) Faculty of […]

Insurance cover for students [page]

Health insurance for incoming international students UEF requires that all incoming international students must have a valid personal health insurance and a travel insurance from an internationally recognized insurance agency for the whole duration of their stay in Finland. Insurance should cover all costs related to a treatment of sudden illness, accidents and accidental death. […]

Inappropriate treatment and harassment [page]

From 1.8.2023 (Decision of the Rector 41/2023 §) The students of the University of Eastern Finland have the right to study in a safe and comfortable environment. All the university’s units must ensure that students do not experience harassment or inappropriate treatment when they participate in education or receive guidance. The Decision of the Rector: […]

Information security guide [page]

Student’s information security in a nutshell You are responsible for all activities carried out under your user ID. Apart from your personal data, also remember to protect other people’s information that is in your possession. Never tell your password to anyone else. Choose a password that is easy for you to remember but impossible for […]

Self-study facilities [page]

The self-study facilities are available for quiet studying and group work. The university’s guidelines relating to safety and hygiene must be followed in all facilities. Access badge Access to the 24/7 self study facilities is with an access badge only. You can apply the Access badge by using this online form. If you already have […]

Forms [page]

Study right and registration Forms in DOCX-format should be downloaded, filled in, printed and signed! Applying for an extension to the tuition waiver Students liable for tuition fees can apply for an extension to the tuition waiver when the duration of studies with the tuition waiver is about to expire, and the student has not […]

University Computing Skills 8031006, 2 cp [page]

Effective study skills are an important element in achieving academic success. Studying at a Finnish university may differ considerably from studying in some other country, and international students may discover that they need to adapt their study habits to be able to meet the academic requirements. University Computing Skills (8031006, 2 CP) course helps you […]

Statistics: Teaching, consulting and software [page]

Statistics courses Statistical methods are one of the main tools for students and researchers working with empirical data. Therefore, statistics is an appropriate minor subject to a university degree at almost any field. Studies in statistics provide skills both to critically evaluate empirical research results, and to do empirical research. For BSc and MSc students […]