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Search Results: work

Campus pastors [page]

What is a campus pastor? Campus pastors are assigned by the Church on campuses for students and staff. They act in the university community as experts in communality and the growth, changes, and learning of personal life. Activities of the campus pastor The campus pastors offer individual guidance by offering verbal aid for personal growth […]

Language and communication studies [page]

UEF Language Centre offers language and communication studies for undergraduate, postgraduate, and international exchange students as well as staff members. In Language Centre courses, you will learn versatile skills and knowledge that you will need during your studies and in working life. You will also gain tools to develop your skills further in the future. […]

Academic study skills [page]

Academic study skills Appropriate study skills are an important element in achieving academic success. Studying at a Finnish university may differ considerably from studying in some other country, and international students may discover that they need to adapt their study habits to be able to meet the academic requirements. Academic freedom is one of the […]

Welcome to start your studies at UEF! [page]

We wish to make the start of your studies with us as smooth as possible. This is why we offer an orientation programme for all the new international students at the beginning of each semester. The programme includes a lot of practical information and tips on how to get things rolling. We hope all our […]

UEF Career Services [page]

Career Services is there for you during the entire span of your studies in questions concerning your studies, career or the working life. We offer expert support, appointments for confidential discussion and job seeking advice. Check out our resources, join the courses, or book an appointment for discussion with a career counsellor! Career services for […]

Alumni [page]

Have you studied or worked at the University of Eastern Finland or at the former universities of Joensuu or Kuopio? Or do you have warm ties to these universities for other reasons? Then you are welcome to join the University of Eastern Finland Alumni and Friends Network! Becoming a member of the Network is free […]

Aarresaari [page]

Aarresaari is a network of Academic Career Services representing 13 Finnish Universities. The network offers services for university students, graduates and employers, as well as for the universities themselves. At the same time the network builds bridges between students and employers. Visit Aarresaari webpages (opens in new tab).

Practical training [page]

Practical training during studies is a great opportunity for students to apply their theoretical knowledge in practice, improve their professional skills, narrow down their career choices, and make direct contact with potential employers. Having work experience in your own discipline, no matter how brief the period of employment, gives you an advantage over others in […]

Courses in career planning and job seeking [page]

Do you need support in career planning or job seeking? Participate in the self-study courses and/or practical exercises offered by the UEF Career Services! In our study units, you will be well-equipped for the development of your career and employability competences. You will also learn about the requirements of the working life and develop your own career […]

Personal career counselling [page]

The aim of career counselling is to support the attainment of career planning and employment skills. Good career planning skills help you, for instance, in recognizing your own strengths and possibilities, in developing yourself and in making decisions about your future. You can receive career counselling at a personal career guidance conversation or by taking […]