The aim of a traineeship abroad is to support studies as well as develop a student’s professional ability for international duties. International traineeships offer chances to acquire useful contacts, gain work experience and language skills, and learn the customs and corporate culture of the host country. The traineeship must be related to the student’s major or minor subject. As a rule, students are required to arrange traineeships themselves.
Available traineeships may be found from sources such as:
UEF Yammer: Kansainvälistymismahdollisuuksia opiskelijoille
Aarresaari // JobTeaser
European Youth Portal
A number of majors at UEF have contacts to organizations abroad, please consult your departmental coordinator for further details.
Finnish national agency for education’s (EDUFI) traineeship programmes
For whom: Bachelor’s or Master’s level students or recently graduated students (maximum of one year from graduation), with possible organisation-specific restrictions.
Where: Around the world
Duration: 2–6 months
Application times and conditions: See the Finnish National Agency for Education’s website
Funding: Destination-specific (salary or EDUFI grant)
The availability of traineeships varies each year. Traineeships in various fields in organisations such as the following are available for application:
- Finpro and Tekes offices
- Cultural and scientific institutes
- Finnish embassies abroad
- Finnish language and culture institutes
- Finnish nursing homes
- Finnish expatriate magazines and the Finnish American Heritage Center
- Development cooperation organisations
- Companies and local organisations