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Search Results: info

Stay safe on campus – summary of UEF’s coronavirus guidelines [article]

Dear student, The autumn has arrived and unlike many of us expected in the spring, the coronavirus pandemic is still with us. This means that in order for it to be safe to work and study on campus, we all need to act responsibly and follow the guidelines given. This email contains a summary of […]

Research exchange [page]

Research is mostly international in its character, and it is useful to get to know the international research groups of your own field. You should negotiate potential research exchange with your supervisors. They can also help you in finding suitable contacts. Below you can find information about potential exchange programmes. Many foundations also award grants […]

The University of Eastern Finland´s face mask recommendation to personnel and students [article]

THE UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND’S FACE MASK RECOMMENDATION TO PERSONNEL AND STUDENTS                                     UEF recommends that face masks be used in study and work situations wherein maintaining a safe distance from others is not possible. Such situations include, e.g.: Guidance, advisory, and teaching situations that cannot be carried out remotely or on campus while maintaining safe […]

The library’s customer registration form will be temporarily closed from 7 to 17 August [article]

Due to changes to the customer registration, the library’s customer registration form is not available from Fri 7 August to Mon 17 August. The forms that have arrived so far, we process in order of arrival. Due to the coronavirus situation, we ask our customers to consider the urgency of coming to the library or […]

Library services from 17.8. onwards [article]

Joensuu campus library and KUH Medical library will open on August 17, 2020 with summer opening hours. Kuopio campus library will open on September 1, 2020. Library facilities will be open for borrowing and returning on the principle of self-service. The exceptional pickup service of books for uefians will cease on Thu August 13. Reservations […]

Stay active! – students’ wellbeing in summer [article]

Student Union ISYY organises this summer Stay Active! – students’ wellbeing in summertime -project with the funding from European Social Fund. Project is organised at Joensuu campus and online between 22.6.– 31.8.2020. The events are open to all UEF students. Students of the Kuopio campus can also participate in online events. The aim of the […]

Language Centre Study Community launched in the spring of 2020 [article]

The brand new Language Centre Study Community is now open! From now on all up-to-date information and news concerning Language Centre are available in our Study Community. Take a peek and join the Language Centre Study Community! (Requires a login with a UEF username.)

Teaching, working and services on UEF’s campuses are being restored gradually over the summer and autumn [article]

The return of students to the university’s campuses will begin in August–September, when in-person teaching is prioritised for the university’s new students in particular. Approximately 200 courses will be delivered as in-person teaching in August–September, while paying close attention to safe use of the facilities. Most of the university’s teaching will, however, be offered online […]

Limited access to libraries in August [article]

Library facilities will be open on a limited basis in August for lending and return. The principle is self-service. The Joensuu campus library will open on a limited basis on August 17, 2020. The KUH Medical library will open on a limited basis on August 17, 2020. The Kuopio campus library will open on a […]

The teaching of the library will be organised online during the summer and autumn term 2020 [article]

In accordance with the guidelines of the University of Eastern Finland, the library’s courses on information skills and sources for undergraduate students and postgraduate students’ courses Information retrieval and management of research and Open Science will be offered online during the summer and autumn term 2020. More information: Head of Services Helena Silvennoinen-Kuikka, Library, Training […]