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Search Results: student-life

Distance and online learning [page]

Distance learning means studying that is non-place-bound and may also be non-time-bound. Usually, the studying is partly or entirely online. Hybrid learning combines different forms of studying. In hybrid learning, teaching is both local and online. In distance learning, one’s own activity is very important. The ability to concentrate and schedule one’s own studies also plays an important […]

Student well-being work at UEF [page]

Physical, psychological and social well-being are prerequisites for good study and life. In addition to studies, it is very important to give time also to yourself, to your friends and hobbies. The aim of student well-being work is to promote students’ health and study ability, the well-being of study communities and to prevent exclusion. Students’ […]

University glossary [page]

Academic quarter? Demo? Faculty? For the definitions of these and many other words and concepts related to university life, see this vocabulary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y  A Absent student is a student who has not paid […]