International studies and traineeships at UEF are coordinated by International Mobility Services which are part of Student and Learning Services and University Services.
The key services provided by the unit are:
- advice and support for outgoing exchange students, information sessions on exchange possibilities, pre-departure orientations, welcome back orientations;
- advice and support for incoming exchange students and international degree students, orientations and international tutoring;
- coordination of the international mobility of teachers and staff;
- coordination of UEF Summer School
Opening hours
Monday to Friday 10 am to 3 pm / 10:00–15:00 (from the beginning of June to the end of August: Monday to Friday 10 am to 2 pm / 10:00–14:00)
Email address: international(a) / Summer School:
See below for staff contact information.
Campus-specific street and postal addresses
Joensuu campus
Street address: Yliopistokatu 2, Aurora building, entrance A, ground floor
Postal address: University of Eastern Finland, International Mobility Services, Joensuu Campus, P. O. Box 111, 80101 Joensuu, Finland
Kuopio campus
Street address: Yliopistonrinne 3, Canthia building, second floor (Oppari)
Postal address: University of Eastern Finland, International Mobility Services, Kuopio Campus, P. O. Box 1627, 70211 Kuopio, Finland
Staff at International Mobility Services
Marika Oksanen
tel +358 294 453023
Joensuu campus, Aurora I, room 179 (Student and Learning Services)
- Student exchange possibilities abroad and related events (incl. info sessions, pre-departure orientations)
- Advice for outgoing exchange students
- Outgoing exchange students: bilateral agreements, ISEP, Nordlys/Nordplus and Nordplus subject-specific networks (Nordplus-funding), north2north
Asta Kauppinen
tel +358 50 321 9789
Kuopio campus, Canthia, room 2301 (Oppari)
- Student exchange possibilities abroad and related events (incl. info sessions, welcome back orientations)
- Advice for outgoing exchange students
- Outgoing exchange students: Erasmus+, Nordlys/Erasmus+ and Nordplus subject-specific networks (Erasmus+ funding), summer courses in China/India
- Erasmus+ training
Joint address:
Päivi Haltilahti
Tel. +358 50 382 1814
Joensuu campus, Aurora I, room 167D (Student and Learning Services)
- Incoming exchange students, advising and application
Kirsi Konttinen
Tel. +358 40 355 2146
Kuopio campus, Canthia, room 2321 (Oppari help desk)
- Incoming exchange students, advising and peer tutoring for new international students
Merja Haapiainen
Tel. +358 50 911 6113
Joensuu campus, Aurora I, room 180 (Student and Learning Services)
- Erasmus+ institutional coordinator, Erasmus+ administration and funding
- Teacher and staff mobility
Joint address:
Katinka Käyhkö
Head of International Planning and Development, International Development Services
- YUFE Alliance student exchange, YUFE Student Journey, YUFE Volunteering Programme
- / +358 50 476 6991
Gizem Yozgyur
Planning Secretary, International Development Services
Outi Väyrynen
International Affairs Specialist, International Mobility Services