Long-term Exchange Options
Long-term exchange refers to student exchange that lasts for one semester or full academic year.
In this section, you can find more information about different exchange options and exchange programs available to UEF students.
University of Eastern Finland has hundreds of partner universities around the world and is a part of several international exchange programs. All partner institutions have been organised according to region. Links to all partner institutions’ websites can be found on these pages.
European partners in the Erasmus+ programme have also been organised according to faculties at UEF: Erasmus+ agreements are departmental, so students should explore exchange options based on their major at UEF.
Partner universities around the world (i.e., bilateral agreements) have been organised according to region. Most bilateral agreements are university-wide, but some may have departmental agreements. If there are departmental restrictions, it will be stated in connection to the host institution.
Students interested in the Nordic region should look into the Nordplus programme and the Nordlys network.
Students interested in the ISEP (International Student Exchange Programme) are advised to familiarise themselves with the ISEP Exchange page as well as the program’s home page.
Erasmus partners of Philosophical Faculty
Erasmus partners of Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology
Erasmus partners of Faculty of Health Sciences
Erasmus partners of Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies
Europe: Erasmus+
Nordics, North America: north2north
Freemover/Visiting Student exchanges
The YUFE Alliance
Nordics: Nordplus and Nordlys
Around the world: Bilateral exchange
Around the world: ISEP Exchange and ISEP Direct