You will receive guidance in doctoral studies by several actors:
- coordinator of your doctoral programme provides guidance on studies of the doctoral programme, personal study plan, study administration
- administrative staff of the faculty provides general guidance in doctoral studies of faculty, study administration, decisions
- supervisors supervise your doctoral dissertation and personal study plan
Contact information
The officers at the faculties:
- Philosophical Faculty: Maiju Parviainen (
- Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology: Riikka Levänen and Niina Laatikainen (lumetdissertations(at)
- Faculty of Health Sciences: Annika Koistinen
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies: Iina Tolonen ja Salla Lappalainen (yhka-doctoralstudies(at)
Coordinators of the doctoral programmes:
- Doctoral Programme of the Philosophical Faculty: Maiju Parviainen, Kaisu Kortelainen and Salli Anttonen
- Doctoral Programme in Science, Forestry and Technology: Marjoriitta Möttönen, Noora Heikkilä, Timo Kumlin, Jorma Joutsensaari and Jarkko Suhonen
- Doctoral Programme of Clinical Research: Saara Happo
- Doctoral Programme in Drug Research: Katja Savolainen
- Doctoral Programme in Molecular Medicine: Jenni Küblbeck
- Doctoral Programme in Health Sciences: Suvi Manninen
- Doctoral Programme of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies: Iina Tolonen and Salla Lappalainen
Information concerning Doctoral School and the transferable skills studies: Merja Lyytikäinen and Ira Virtanen.