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- New Open University Student
We welcome you to start studying at UEF’s Open University! On this page, you will find instructions on how to get you started with your studies. Please read the instructions carefully.
Here’s how you start your studies:
- Activate your new UEF user account or change the password of your existing account.
- Activate your UEF student email, where communication regarding your studies will be directed.
- Log in to your study’s online learning environment using the dropdown menu below.
If you have any questions, please contact Open University avoinyliopisto@uef.fi. We are here to help you!
The first step in getting started is to activate your UEF user name at University of Eastern Finland (UEF). Your UEF user name enables you to log in to all the university’s online services, such as student email, online learning environments, study register Peppi and library services.
You can activate your new UEF username by the following day after the study right has been recorded in the student register Peppi and you have received a message regarding your study right.
Please see the website How to get a UEF username? - UEF Kamu.
With your UEF username, you will get access to the university’s Microsoft 365 services, including a student email. Your email address will be formed of your username: username@student.uef.fi. When logging in, you need to use it in the form of username@uef.fi. Please remember to check your UEF email regularly because notifications about your studies will be sent only there. See here for more information.
You may find the study instructions and/or course keys for the online learning environments below. If you have any questions, please contact to Open University avoinyliopisto@uef.fi.
Log in to the online learning environment as soon as your UEF account is available. Please read the course’s or study module’s instructions carefully. There are two types of online learning environments: eLearn Moodle and Digicampus. More information on logging into online learning environments can be found in KAMU.
Study instructions can be found in a shared eLearn Moodle learning environment for Business studies. All those enrolled in Open University's Business courses must first log in to this eLearn Moodle, where you will find the course-specific instructions.
Kauppatieteiden opinnot, Itä-Suomen avoin yliopisto 2024-25 | eLearn (uef.fi), enrolment key: JOK24kauppa
Invidual courses:
Data-analytics for accounting and audit 6 ECTS
Digital Transformation in Business 6 ECTS
Financial statement analysis and valuation 6 ECTS
International Business 6 ECTS
Nature-Baced Economy 1 ECTS
Sales and buyer behavior in retailing 6 ECTS
Strategic Management 6 ECTS
Supply Chain Management 6 ECTS
Sustainable co-operative business model 6 ECTS
Study instructions can be found in a shared eLearn Moodle learning environment. All those enrolled in Basic studies in Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development courses must first log in to this eLearn Moodle, where you will find the course-specific instructions.
Basic Studies in Lifelong Learning and Sustainable Development | eLearn, enrolment key LLLSUS24
Basic studies in Special Education | eLearn, enrolment key BSSpecial24
Individual courses:
Assessment and Individual Support in Learning: The course teacher will send you additional information to your UEF student email after the registration period has ended.
Individual courses:
Principles of Digital Pedagogy in Instruction and Teaching MOOC 2 ECTS | DigiCampus, course key: UEF_open24
Individual courses:
Language and communication studies:
Language and Communication studies organized by the university's Language Centre do not have a shared eLearn Moodle environment for Open university students. However, most courses do have a course-specific eLearn Moodle learning environment. You will get instructions concerning the course from the course teacher when the registration period has ended. The messages will be sent to your UEF student email so please read your email regularly.
General studies:
The courses
- Basics of Finnish Working Life,
- Career planning self-study course, and
- Job seeking self-study course
Each have their own eLearn Moodle environment. After registering and activating your UEF username, log in to eLearn Moodle and the course environment will appear on your dashboard.
Please activate your UEF username and student email without delay as the messages sent by the teachers will only be sent to your student email. The links on the name of the course will take you to Peppi study guide, from where you may find the course timeline and lecture timeline (if applicable).
Individual courses:
Biodiversity.now A (2 ECTS):
The teacher will send you the course instructions and the course key to your UEF student email. The instructions will be sent to new students once a week, mainly on Mondays.
Nature-Based Economy (1 ECTS):
UEF: Nature-Based Economy 1 ECTS, 2024-2025 | DigiCampus, course key NatureBased#2425
Log into DigiCampus with HAKA login as a student at the University of Eastern Finland.
European Forest-bioeconomy (5 ECTS):
UEF: Forest-bioeconomy in Europe, 2024-2025 | DigiCampus, course key Abbee2024!
Log into DigiCampus with HAKA login as a student at the University of Eastern Finland.
Introduction to remote sensing and geoinformatics, MOOC (3 ECTS):
UEF/MOOC: Introduction to Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics, 3 ECTS 2022-2025 | DigiCampus
Log into DigiCampus with HAKA login as a student at the University of Eastern Finland. NOTE! There is no course key, but you need to enroll yourself to the course the first time you login.
Molecular Biology (5 ECTS):
The teacher will send you the course instructions to your UEF student email at the beginning of the course.
Photonics and Optics Fundamentals, spring 2025
Go to the course learning environment here: https://digicampus.fi/course/view.php?id=5812
And use the key: Studs_2025
Then follow the instructions there.
Climate Change -eLearning (5 ECTS):
You will get the instructions for starting the course by contacting the teacher: jorma.joutsensaari(at)uef.fi.
Fundamentals of Medical Device Approval Process (2 ECTS):
The teacher will send you the course instructions to your UEF student email at the beginning of the course.
Please note, we have a few different Moodle platforms for Open university studies in Natural sciences, forestry and technology. These Moodle platforms are in Finnish and are used to share non-course-specific news and advice. You are welcome to join them. The links and course keys can be found by changing the language of this page to Finnish and going to the section “Luonnontieteet, metsätieteet ja tekniikka”.
Basic Studies in Social Sciences | eLearn, enrollment key: OUBSSOCIAL
Study instructions can be found in a shared eLearn Moodle learning environment
Individual courses:
Please activate your UEF username and student email without delay as the messages sent by the teachers will only be sent to your student email. The links on the name of the course will take you to Peppi study-guide, from where you may find the course timeline and lecture timeline (if applicable).
Development Crisis and Globalisation
The teacher will send you the course instructions before the course starts or the instructions are given in the classroom during the first lecture.
Human Geography: Local Experience and Global Change
The teacher will send you the course instructions before the course starts or the instructions are given in the classroom during the first lecture.
Landscape geography and collaborative knowledge creation, MOOC
You can find the online platform for this course from DigiCampus: https://digicampus.fi/course/view.php?id=3835. Login to DigiCampus with Haka login as a student at the University of Eastern Finland and give your UEF-username in the form username@uef.fi. NOTE! There is no course key but you need to enroll yourself to the course the first time you login.
Critical Geography of the EU
The teacher will send you the course instructions and the course key before the course starts at the beginning of the course the latest.
Circular economy as a societal change, MOOC
The teacher will send you the course instructions and the course key before the course starts at the beginning of the course the latest. Please note, that you need to login to the course platform right at the beginning of the course to be able to get access to the material.
Circular economy as a societal change, essay
The essay is written after completing the MOOC course. Instructions for the essay will be added to the online platform of the MOOC course in its final phase. If you have completed the MOOC course previously and you have a grade from it in the student register Peppi, in the University of Eastern Finland, please contact our student affairs secretary, Krista Reiman (krista.reiman@uef.fi), for further information.
You can find the online platform for this course from DigiCampus: https://digicampus.fi/enrol/index.php?id=3521 Login to DigiCampus with Haka login as a student at the University of Eastern Finland and give your UEF-username in the form username@uef.fi. After completing the online course download the course certificate and submit it as well as an approximately two-page essay on "What did I learn about the circular economy?" to the teacher by email: jukka.sihvonen@uef.fi.
Mining, Society and Sustainability I
The teacher will send you the course instructions and the course key before the course starts at the beginning of the course the latest. Please note, that you need to login to the course platform right at the beginning of the course to be able to get access to the material.
You can find the online platform for this course from DigiCampus: https://digicampus.fi/course/view.php?id=4662. The course key is YH00DJ30 Login to DigiCampus with Haka login as a student at the University of Eastern Finland and give your UEF-username in the form username@uef.fi.
Processing of UAV remote sensing data with open-source software
You can find the online platform for this course from DigiCampus: https://digicampus.fi/course/view.php?id=4380. Login to DigiCampus with Haka login as a student at the University of Eastern Finland and give your UEF-username in the form username@uef.fi. NOTE! There is no course key but you need to enroll yourself to the course the first time you login.
Please note, we have a Moodle platform for Geography and Environmental Policy studies in the Open University: Maantieteiden ja ympäristöpolitiikan opinnot. This Moodle is in Finnish. You are welcome to join the Moodle using the course key maaymp24.
Environment, groups and well-being | eLearn, enrollment key: ENGROWE*24
Introduction to Finnish Health and Social Services System (5 ECTS)
Study instructions will be sent by email to your student email.