Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology: Instructions for publishing the dissertation
Last modified: 19.12.2024
PrintPreparing your dissertation for printing
You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. In Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology it is recommended to use the layout template (Word or Latex) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process. Please, note dissertations of Forest Sciences are published in Dissertationes Forestales using the different layout template. The recommended template for Dissertationes Forestales you may find here (Word). Please, check the printing instructions for the doctoral dissertations of the Forest Sciences at the website.
An article-based dissertation is published in full only if the original article publishers have given their written consent to republish the articles in the university’s publication series. As an author, you are responsible for acquiring copyrights and publication rights for the articles and other materials in the dissertation. Permission for reprinting is applied from the original publisher of the article(s). Publishers may have a form for applying permission; otherwise, you can use the template for applying preprint permissions. Permission for electronic publishing should be included to the application.
The permission for reprinting must be announced on a separate page at the beginning of each article, in the table of contents and after other possible indexes. E.g. ’Printed with the kind permission of [publisher’s name]’
Publishing your dissertation
After the faculty has given you permission to defend the dissertation, you may publish it. A doctoral dissertation shall be made publicly available on the university’s network as an electronic version no later than seven (7) days before the public examination of the thesis, or as a printed version in the university library, if no electronic version of the doctoral dissertation is available. It is up to you to make sure that the dissertation is available for viewing by the deadline.
The publication permission is applied for from the publication series’ editor. In the appointment with an editor, a publication contract is made, and the number of copies in the first edition is defined. The contract is delivered to the Library Publication Services via email: electronic.publications@uef.fi. The Library delivers the contract for signing via UEF Sign system. In case of article-based dissertations, please, deliver also potential copies of the permissions for reprinting to the Library. The time span between having publication permission and dissertation day should be long enough (at least six weeks) to ensure adequate time for editing and printing process.
The doctoral dissertation is usually published in both printed and electronic format. A separate e-publication contract is not needed. It will be possible to delay e-publishing if necessary due to copyright reasons. The electronic dissertations are published in the eRepo-service of the UEF Library.
Dissertations in Science fields are published in the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology series (Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Science, Forestry and Technology).
Dissertations in the field of Forest Sciences are usually, however, published in the publication series Dissertationes Forestales that is a joint publication of the Finnish Society of Forest Science, Natural Resources Institute Finland, University of Helsinki, and University of Eastern Finland. The editor decides on the layout according to the Faculty style sheet and publishing instructions.
Editors and Distribution of work by units
Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Dissertations in Science, Forestry and Technology:
- Editor-in-chief: Research Director Pertti Pasanen
- Chemistry: Senior Researcher Nina Hakulinen
- Biology: Professor Raine Kortet
- Computer Science: Professor Matti Tedre
- Physics and mathematics: Professor Pasi Vahimaa
- Technical Physics: Research Director Timo Lähivaara
Once the editor has received the dissertation manuscript and the documents associated with the publishing agreement, the editor checks that
- the language used in the dissertation manuscript is flawless (the language has been revised)
- the dissertation manuscript is formatted in compliance with the layout model of the series and that it follows the faculty’s publishing instructions
- the necessary permissions for reprinting / reusing possible articles in the dissertation have been obtained.
Dissertationes Forestales (for Forest Sciences):
Dissertations in Forest Sciences are published in Dissertationes Forestales. The printing instructions for the doctoral dissertations of the Forest Sciences you may find at the website.
ISBN code and printing
You must request an ISBN code for the dissertation from by using the ISBN request form. Deliver the printing house with the manuscript of the dissertation and the texts and pictures to be printed on the covers. You must also review the proof, which can be obtained in an electronic format (e.g. as a pdf) from the printing house. The verified proof will be printed in its final size and layout.
If the costs are covered by the Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology the compensation is available only when printing is ordered from printing house that University has an agreement with (PunaMusta). The thesis can be printed at any printing service when costs are covered by you. Instructions for ordering the thesis you will find in UEF intranet (see Printing Services).
Dissertation printing cost compensation
Compensation is available only when printing is ordered from printing house that University has an agreement with (PunaMusta). If you use other printing house than PunaMusta, you shall pay for printing yourself. In this case, you must also take care of the distribution of dissertation yourself.
The minimum edition of the doctoral dissertation is 30 copies financed by the department or school. Copies exceeding this limit are to be paid for by the doctoral candidate, unless settled otherwise with the department or school.
Distribution of the dissertation
You are responsible for the distribution of the dissertation unless otherwise agreed. You must see that the printing house delivers a printed copy of dissertation to campus library to be available for public. If you use PunaMusta they will mail the copies to be put on display at and archived by the UEF Library. If you use other printing house than PunaMusta, you must take care of the distribution of dissertation yourself.
The University’s agreed printing house will forward the electronic dissertation to the library. If printing is executed in other than University’s agreed printing house, you should remind a printing house about this task. An electronic version will be distributed as an e-mail attachment to: electronic.publications@uef.fi.
Dissertations in Science, Forestry and Technology: The doctoral candidate shall send the link to electronic dissertation to Rector of the campus, Dean of the Faculty and Faculty Administration (lumetdissertations@uef.fi) as well as prints of dissertation well before the public examination as follows:
- 1 copy for the opponent
- 1 copy for each supervisor
- 1 copy for each pre-examiner
- additional copies for distribution at the public defence and for interest groups
The printing press will print and deliver (without an order from the doctoral candidate):
- 4 copies for the University of Eastern Finland Library (for the collections of the campuses and archives)
- 6 legal deposit copies (statutory; legal deposit copies must be delivered to the Legal Deposit Office in Helsinki)
Dissertationes Forestales: The doctoral candidate shall send the prints of dissertation well before the public examination as follows.
A doctoral dissertation shall be made publicly available on the Dissertationes Forestales web pages as an electronic version no later than seven (7) days before the public examination of the thesis, or as a printed version in the university library, if no electronic version of the doctoral dissertation is available.
The library is responsible for selling the dissertation and determines the price.
Dissertation news releases and public examinations on UEF’s website
The university’s Communications and Media Relations uses an electronic form to collect all information needed for the creation of a public examination event for the university’s events calendar, and for publishing a news release about the dissertation. Electronic form is available for doctoral candidates in Finnish and English. Read more about the process.