General instructions
Contact the editor of the series at the latest when you are given permission for public examination. The editor of the series is responsible for the publishing instructions, checking the layout, applying for the ISBN numbers, and granting the permission to publish. The editor‐in‐chief of the dissertation series is University Lecturer Markus Mättö. He is responsible for questions of principle related to the publishing agreement and to publishing.
If you decide to publish your doctoral dissertation in the UEF/faculty series, send the publishing agreement to the library (,) by using the UEF Sign digital signature service, after which the agreement will be signed electronically in the system. You may get the agreement also from the editor or pick it from UEF intra (requires UEF login). The editor of the series takes care of applying for the ISBN numbers.
We recommend that you use a professional for the layout of the doctoral dissertation. If you are doing the layout yourself, send the layout to the editor for checking before delivering it to the printing house. If you are buying the layout service from the printing house, the proof from the printing house will suffice. You will find the layout template at Kamu or get it from the editor.
Sections of the doctoral dissertation written in a language other than the candidate’s mother tongue must be proofread by a native speaker of the language in question. A doctoral candidate is responsible for correctness of the text. Therefore, revise the text before sending it for editing.
An article‐ or essay‐based doctoral dissertation is published with all the articles or essays and a summary section in both printed and electronic format, unless there is a lawful excuse for not publishing any parts of it. Articles are published subject to the acquired permissions to publish. Only articles for which the original publisher has not granted permission to publish, and articles that are under embargo are omitted from the doctoral dissertation. If required, articles can be modified according to the wishes of the copyright owners.
You must acquire reprinting permissions for your articles for both the printed and the electronic doctoral dissertation. You can find the template for acquiring reprinting permissions at Kamu, along with the other publishing instructions. The reprinting permissions will be attached to the publishing agreement.
If you are not publishing articles or essays in your doctoral dissertation for the above reasons, you must report on the research results presented in the omitted documents in the summary section of the published dissertation or in the appendices.
Please, look at the UEF open access model before completing your doctoral dissertation.
A separate title page with a logo (i.e. a loose leaf) must be included in the doctoral dissertation, indicating that this is a doctoral dissertation approved for public examination by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, and details of the time and venue of the public examination. You can get the title page template from the editor. The template is available in Finnish only.
Allow adequate time for the publishing process, two months is a minimum. When planning the schedule, allow time for sending documents in the post, for the printing process, and for any potential holiday seasons. Our advice is to contact the editor as early as possible, and definitely before setting the date for the public examination.
Number of copies and distribution
1. Printed copies
The minimum number of copies and distribution of Dissertations in Social Sciences and Business Studies series:
- The library (the library takes care of the distribution) 5
- The faculty (the faculty takes care of the distribution) 6
- Copies of the doctoral candidate 20
- Free copies for the National Library 6 (delivered directly by the printing house)
Total of 37 copies
You may also have more copies of your doctoral dissertation printed according to your needs.
The library will display one of the copies in the library. The faculty takes care of the distribution to the faculty’s notice board, the opponent, the preliminary examiners and to the Faculty Council for evaluation.
You must distribute copies to the following parties:
- the custos
- your supervisors (other than the custos)
- your own department
Please note that, as a doctoral candidate, you are a customer of the printing house and responsible for dealings with them. You can find the instructions of the university’s contract printing house in UEF intranet (requires UEF login). You can also ask the series editor for advice.
Please instruct the printing house to deliver the dissertations as follows:
- 5 copies to the Library of the University of Eastern Finland (Dissertations, Joensuu campus: Joensuun kampuskirjasto, hankinta, Carelia, PL 107, 80101 Joensuu or Dissertations, Kuopio campus: Kuopion kampuskirjasto, Jari Tiihonen, Snellmania, Yliopistonranta 8, PL 1627, 70211 Kuopio)
- 6 copies to the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Laura Pulkka, Kuopio campus, Snellmania (Yliopistonranta 8), P.O. Box 1627, FI‐70211 Kuopio, Finland
- 6 copies to the National Library of Finland, Legal Deposit Office, P.O. Box 26, FI‐00014 University of Helsinki, Finland
- The candidate’s copies (20) are delivered to the address supplied by the candidate
The doctoral dissertations will be published in an electronic format in the database of the University of Eastern Finland. The printing house must deliver the electronic version of the doctoral dissertation to be published directly to the library at The electronic version must also include the articles/essays (in article/essay‐based dissertations) as long as there is no lawful excuse for not publishing them (e.g., the publisher prohibits the publishing; see instructions above).
2. Electronic copy
Additionally, you should deliver an electronic copy of the dissertation to the Rector/the Academic Rector as well as to the Vice Dean responsible for research of the faculty. To present the doctoral dissertation, made an appointment with their assistants (below). An online meeting is also possible.
- Doctoral Dissertations at the Kuopio campus; Rector Jukka Mönkkönen, Executive Coordinator Henriikka Oksiala
- Doctoral Dissertations at the Joensuu campus; Academic Rector Tapio Määttä, Executive Assistant Maria Venäläinen
- Vice Dean Tommi Laukkanen, Academic Affairs Secretary Laura Pulkka
Dissertation grant
The faculty grants support to cover the printing, layout and proofreading costs of the dissertation. Learn more about the grant at Kamu Student Handbook.
Further Information
Markus Mättö, Editor-in-chief, D.Sc. (Econ.)
If you are publishing your printed dissertation under a series other than that of the faculty, the faculty will purchase a minimum of 20 copies of the dissertation. These copies will be distributed to the opponent, the Custos, the library, to UEF Communications and Media Relations, and to the members of the Faculty Council.
In this case, please contact to determine the number of copies required and for invoicing.
At its discretion, the faculty may grant the doctoral candidate the direct costs of printing the dissertation up to the maximum amount of EUR 1,000. This must include the copies delivered to/purchased by the faculty.
Instructions for delivering the copies of your doctoral dissertation to the University of Eastern Finland
- Doctoral Dissertations at the Joensuu campus: Executive Assistant Maria Venäläinen, tel. 029 4455322,; Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies P.O. Box 111, FI‐80101 Joensuu, Finland
- Doctoral Dissertations at the Kuopio campus: Study Secretary Mari Ikonen,, 050 478 4564; Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies P.O. Box 1627, FI‐70211 Kuopio, Finland
A separate title page (i.e. a loose leaf) with a logo must also be included in doctoral dissertations published under an external series, indicating that this is an academic doctoral dissertation approved for public examination by the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, and details of the time and venue of the public examination. You can get the title page template from the editor of the faculty's series. For the rest of the process, you should follow the instructions of the publishing series in question.
Further information
The doctoral candidate
- will think about the publishing channel with her/his supervisor during the process and read the instructions of the selected series
- will ensure that the content of the doctoral dissertation is accurate and the language is correct (proofreading)
- will run the dissertation through the plagiarism detection system (before the pre-examination)
- will manage the layout of the dissertation in accordance with the template of the publishing series (by her/himself or as a purchased service)
- will contact the editor of the publishing series of her/his choice – at the latest when the permission for public examination is granted
- will acquire reprinting permissions for articles in the dissertation for the printed and electronic version (this can be done in advance)
- will complete the publishing agreement and deliver it to by using the UEF Sign digital signature service, after which the agreement will be signed electronically in the system.
- will forward any reprinting permissions to the editor
- will select a printing house (and act as the customer) and agree with them on a delivery schedule. Note! Agree on the schedule with the editor at the same time as making the agreement!
- will deliver the materials and distribution instructions to the printing house. If the practice in your discipline requires three copies of the doctoral dissertation printed on every other page, ask for them separately. Check with your supervisor whether this is a tradition in your discipline.
- will carefully check the proof delivered by the printing house – in the end, the doctoral candidate is always responsible for the content of the work! We recommend you ask for a printed proof
- will take care of distribution in accordance with the instructions of the faculty
- to the custos and supervisors
- to the rector and the dean
- to your department
Remember that the doctoral dissertation must be finalized seven days in advance – so allow at least two months for the printing process (sending agreements, requesting reprinting permissions, layout, checking, proof, checking, printing, delivery, distribution).
Editor of the series
- will advise the candidate on the publishing process as required
- will help with determining the publishing schedule (setting the date for the public examination)
- will sign the publishing agreement, check the reprinting permissions required for articles (or any prohibitions) and deliver the agreement with appendices to the library
- will apply for ISBN numbers for the doctoral dissertation
- will check that the organisation of the work complies with the instructions and template of the series and inform the candidate of any corrections required
- if the candidate is doing the layout her/himself or having it done professionally, the editor will check the layout before returning it to the printing house
- if the layout is purchased from the university’s contract printing house, the editor will check the proof supplied by the printers
- will check the text on the back cover before proof
- will check and approve the print‐ready material supplied by the printing house (the cover, the loose leaf, the inside pages)
- the proof will be checked by the candidate and the editor of the series – both must approve the proof before the doctoral dissertation can be printed!
- in practice, the candidate will check the printed proof and the editor of the series will check the e‐version
- will, if required, advise the printing house on the faculty instructions.
- will check the instructions every year with the editor
- will take a stand regarding any exceptions related to publishing
- the structure of the work
- omitting articles
- other publishing‐related exceptions to the series template
- academic decisions, decisions of principle regarding publishing policy, and statements regarding the series
Printing House
- will carry out the layout and/or printing of the dissertation in accordance with the university/series template and as commissioned by the candidate
- will deliver the proof for inspection to the candidate and the editor or will not print the dissertation until both parties have given permission to print
- will deliver the printed copies as instructed
- will deliver six copies to the National Library
- will deliver the e‐version including all the articles to the library of the University of Eastern Finland
- will invoice the candidate. Note! The invoice must be itemised with layout and printing costs separated.
- will make sure that the copies delivered to the faculty are displayed at the notice board
- will deliver the doctoral dissertation to the opponent and the pre-examiners
- will deliver the book to the Faculty Council for evaluation.
- will, on application with receipts, award a dissertation grant for the cost of publishing the doctoral dissertation (see instructions above)
- in case of a doctoral dissertation published under an external series, will manage the distribution of the dissertation within the university
- will check the publishing agreement and reprinting permissions and store the agreement in the archives
- will issue ISBN numbers on the application of the editor
- will display the doctoral dissertation in public in the campus libraries using the copies delivered to them
- will archive the dissertation
- will publish the e‐version of the doctoral dissertation on the library publishing platform and remove any unauthorised parts of the work
Further Information
Markus Mättö, Editor-in-chief, D.Sc. (Econ.)
The doctoral candidate may apply for the Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies for grant to cover the printing and or layout costs and proofreading costs. The faculty determines the amount of aid on an ad hoc basis, within the framework of the annual budget, so that the aid is granted for the costs of printing as a rule.
If the dissertation is published in Faculty series, the grant is up to 1500 € for at least 37 printed copies. If the dissertation is published in non-faculty series, the grant is up to 1000 € for at least 20 printed copies. In both cases, the grant will be awarded on the basis of the application supporting documents (receipt and invoice). The invoices must clearly state which costs were incurred for the printing, and which for the layout and or proofreading. The grant must be applied for no later than two months from the date of the public examination. The candidate should contact Academic Affairs Secretary Laura Pulkka well in advance for further instructions and the application form.
Further information
Laura Pulkka