Accessibility in studies - aids and facilities
Last modified: 27.04.2022
PrintAccessibility refers to the design of physical, psychological and social environments so as to allow everyone to function as equals despite their individual characteristics. At the university, accessibility is something that concerns all students and staff members; however, it is of particular importance to those members of the academic community who have a disability, who are ageing, or who belong to a cultural or linguistic minority.
Accessibility includes the following aspects:
- Studies-related matters such as Finnish entrance examinations, study counselling, teaching arrangements and practices, and examination practices.
- Physical environments such as facilities, routes, parking areas, lighting, signposts.
- Accessibility of communication such as web pages, other written materials and the language used.
Requesting individual study arrangements
Individual study arrangements refer to measures previously known as special arrangements. Students who have an impediment or a disability can request individual arrangements. Individual arrangements can pertain to (Finnish) entrance examination and/or to the completion of studies. If you already are a student at the University of Eastern Finland and you need individual arrangements for your studies, you can request them by filling out the Individual Study Arrangements Form.
If you need further assistance or advice on how to request individual study arrangements, please get in touch with the accessibility contact person of your campus or faculty, or with your personal study plan counsellor.
- Instructions for Students (pdf)
- The Decision of the Academic Rector 17.6.2019 “Guidelines for Individual Arrangements Related to Entrance Examinations and Studies” (pdf)
Individual Study Arrangements Form (docx)
Pandemi Korona: Guidelines to Students in Risk Groups for Severe Coronavirus Disease: Arrangements on Completing Courses in the 2021.
Submitting the Application and Required Attachments for individual study arrangements
Application and required attachments for individual study arrangements must be submitted electronically via the secure email website to your own Faculty.
Go to the secure email website (choose language “in English”) and type your own email address (and, to prevent junk mail, an alternating code on the form).
To the email address you give, the system will send a message with a link enabling you to send the secure message itself. Click the link and type the email address of you own Faculty to the receiver slot (To:).
- Philosophical Faculty:
- Faculty of Science and Forestry:
- Faculty of Health Sciences:
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Fields of Joensuu Campus:
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Fields of Kuopio Campus:
Next, type the message itself on the secure email form and attach the needed enclosures. Finally, press the send button.
Guidance and Contact Information:
- Philosophical Faculty: Amanuensis Emma Hahl
- Faculty of Science and Forestry: Head of Academic Affairs Kaisa Laitinen
- Faculty of Health Sciences: Head of Student and Learning Services Susanna Järvelin-Pasanen
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Joensuu Campus: Amanuensis Minna Paronen
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies, Kuopio Campus: Amanuensis Heli Kemppainen
E-mail addresses: first name.last / UEF Connect (opens in a new tab).
Examples of individual study arrangements
Individual study arrangements can involve, for example:
- the opportunity for additional time or lighting, a separate exam room or other arrangements regarding premises.
- the opportunity to use special aids (such as a computer, braille display or induction).
- material arrangements (such as the opportunity to have exam questions in a larger font size, providing lecture materials in advance, audio books, or streaming or recording lectures).
- services (the opportunity to use an assistant or interpreter, Please note! the university is not responsible for obtaining an assistant or interpreter; it is the responsibility of the applicant/student).
- an alternative way of completing a study module or course exam (such as an oral exam, completing the course with learning assignments rather than an exam, completing the course in parts)
Accessibility aids
There is a portable induction loop system for students to borrow at the Joensuu and Kuopio campuses. The induction loop system can be borrowed at Oppari’s service desk (located in the campus library in Joensuu and in the Canthia building in Kuopio). Furthermore, there is a fixed induction loop system in the larger auditoriums at the Joensuu Campus (for example in auditoriums AU100 and AU206 in the Aurora building).Electric height adjustable desks can be found in the library (two desks, located closest to the staircase) and in Atrium (one desk).
A large part of the university’s facilities are accessible and can be used by people with different disabilities. The newer the building, the easier it has been to implement modern accessibility solutions and regulations. The campuses have parking areas for accessible parking, and accessibility has also been taken into consideration in the outdoors routes on campus, for example in structural solutions and winter-time maintenance. The main entrances of the buildings have accessibility ramps and, as a rule, the doors can be opened by pressing a door opening button. In the university buildings, coat racks with storage possibilities are available at accessible heights. Braille buttons are available in the elevators, and some elevators also have voice guidance. All buildings except for the Haltia building have elevators and accessible toilets that are indicated with signs. The largest lecture rooms have induction loops in them, and there are also portable loop systems that can borrowed. Baby care tables can be found in the accessible toilets.
NB! Lecture room maps (Kuopio Campus only) can be found on the intranet.
Restaurants and dining
There are several restaurants at the Joensuu and Kuopio campuses. All of these restaurants are practically accessible; however, there is a low metal doorstep by the door of the Carelia restaurant at the Joensuu Campus, which may pose difficulties for those using a wheelchair. The doors of the Carelia restaurant are kept shut due to fire safety reasons. In other campus restaurants, there are no doorsteps or closed doors, and there is a wheelchair lift in the restaurant in the Snellmania building at the Kuopio Campus.
If you need someone to help you, for example, to carry your tray, the restaurant staff will be happy to assist you. Should you have any special dietary restrictions, it is wise to contact the restaurant you intend to eat in beforehand.
Contact information and locations of the campus restaurants
Special exam facilities
Both the Joensuu and Kuopio campus have special exam facilities. See Special exam facilities and practices.
Facilities are at the disposal of the students who have the right to special arrangements. Special exam facilities are equipped with two computers of which the other is a regular computer and the other for electronic examinations. In the facility one can submit an electronic examination, provide answers with a regular computer or conduct a paper examination. Upon request, computers can be equipped with special software or other aids, such as speech synthesizer or braille display.
How to use special exam facilities
Individual arrangements at the UEF Open University
Accessibility contact persons
A contact person for matters relating to accessibility has been appointed for each campus. These contact persons are tasked with giving common accessibility-related guidance and they also lead accessibility-promoting work at the faculties and academic departments.
- Joensuu Campus: Mrs Erja Widgrén-Sallinen
- Kuopio Campus: Mrs Tuija Pasanen
A contact person for matters relating to accessibility concerning studies at the faculties:
- Philosophical Faculty: Mrs Emma Hahl
- Faculty of Science an Forestry: Mrs Kaisa Laitinen
- Faculty of Health Sciences: Mrs Susanna Järvelin-Pasanen
- Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies: Mrs Minna Paronen (Joensuu Campus) and Mrs Heli Kemppainen (Kuopio Campus)
For contact information, see UEF Connect (opens in a new tab).
Aviris- aids for visually impaired
Celia – accessible literature and publishing in Finland
ESOK – meeting the needs of diverse student body in higher education
Finnish Association of People with Physical Disabilities – Invalidiliitto
Threshold Association – Kynnys ry
Finnish Federation of the Visually Impaired – Näkövammaisten keskusliitto
Opi oppimaan – help for learning difficulties
Joensuu areas special learners – Joensuun seudun erilaiset oppijat