Accessibility refers to a physical, mental and social environment where everyone, regardless of their personal characteristics, can act and interact equally with others. At the university, accessibility affects all students and staff members, but it is especially important to those members of the university community who have a disability, who are ageing, or who belong to a cultural or linguistic minority.
Considering accessibility regarding teaching and teaching arrangements benefits all students and staff. For some it is a necessity for studying. Accessibility regarding facilities, equipment and teaching arrangements must be considered when planning and implementing teaching.
The concept of accessibility covers:
- Studies, including Finnish entrance examinations, study guidance, teaching arrangements and practices, and exam practices
- The physical environment, such as premises, access routes, parking spaces, lighting, signs
- Accessible communications, such as web pages, other written materials and language
The University of Eastern Finland develops its services related to the accessibility of studies and teaching and to the university as a whole in the long term as part of the development of learning environments. We adhere to the national recommendations of the ‘Accessible university studies’ report. We are involved in national key projects that promote accessibility as part of the ‘Accessible university studies’ network.
The university has appointed a person in charge of coordinating accessibility as a whole, as well as campus-specific accessibility contact persons who will respond to accessibility-related queries as required and provide advice in general issues.
The people working with accessibility-related matters make up the accessibility network:
- Study-related accessibility matters as a whole are coordinated by Head of Student Services, Tuija Pasanen, Student Services. Individual study arrangements have different contact persons
- The contact person at the Joensuu campus is Head of Student Services and Admissions, Eija Widgrén-Sallinen, Student Services; and at the Kuopio campus, Head of Student Services, Tuija Pasanen, Student Services
- Pedagogical support for individual study arrangements at the university, special education teacher Tiina Juurela, Student Services
In addition, accessibility network operators include people working in the faculties and dealing with the practical special arrangements related to entrance examinations and studies, student well-being specialist and educational psychologists at the university, student admission officials, and Facilities Management representatives. As required, other specialists and student representatives may also be called to the network meetings.
Useful links:
Equal and accessible university
Celia library (opens in a new tab) – national library for accessible literature and publishing
Practical booklets (Meeting the needs of Diverse Student Body in Higher Education) (opens in a new tab)