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Information on the rectification procedure on student admissions other than within the university: Study at UEF | University of Eastern Finland
The rectification procedure on the assessment of a study attainment consists of two stages.
1. The student submits a rectification request to the teacher in charge of the course:
A student dissatisfied with the assessment of a study attainment may lodge a rectification request orally or in writing with the teacher responsible for the assessment of the course within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the result of the assessment and the application of the assessment criteria.
The rectification request is submitted directly to the teacher in charge of the course by sending an email to the teacher, also informing the teacher at this point whether the student agrees to an e-notification of the teacher’s decision. If the student agrees, they will be informed of the teacher’s decision to their UEF email. If the teacher is not available (e.g. a long notice of absence in their email), the rectification request can be submitted to the UEF Registry Office by email at kirjaamo@uef.fi or by post to: Registry Office of the University of Eastern Finland, Box 1627, 70211 KUOPIO. NB! The rectification request must state for which course rectification is required.
The teacher in charge must respond to the rectification request within fourteen (14) days of it being submitted. If the teacher does not rectify the assessment as requested by the student, the teacher who completed the assessment must make a written decision on the matter. Instructions for drafting a decision may be obtained from the UEF Board of Appeal, by email at muutoksenhakulautakunta@uef.fi.
2. The student submits a rectification request against the teacher’s decision to UEF the Board of Appeal:
The student may request rectification of the teacher’s decision from the University’s Board of Appeal within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision. The Board of Appeal cannot process an appeal unless the applicant has received a decision from the teacher of their first-stage rectification request.
The rectification request must be submitted to the UEF Registry Office by email at kirjaamo@uef.fi or by post to: Registry Office of the University of Eastern Finland, Box 1627, 70211 KUOPIO.
The decision of the Board of Appeal is not subject to appeal.
For detailed information, please see Section 82 of the Universities Act and Section 44 of the Education Regulations.
The rectification procedure on the recognition of prior learning consists of two stages.
1. Rectification of a decision on the recognition of prior learning may be requested from the person who made the decision. The rectification request must be submitted within fourteen (14) days of receiving the notification of the decision.
The rectification request can be submitted to the UEF Registry Office by email at kirjaamo@uef.fi or by post to: Registry Office of the University of Eastern Finland, Box 1627, 70211 KUOPIO. The student will be asked to give their consent to e-services at this point and if they agree, they will be notified of the decision to their UEF email.
2. The person who made the decision on the recognition of prior learning prepares a written decision on the rectification request, and notifies the student who appealed for rectification as well as the Registry Office. Instructions for drafting a decision may be obtained from the UEF Board of Appeal, by email at muutoksenhakulautakunta@uef.fi.
The student may request rectification of the teacher’s decision from the University’s Board of Appeal within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision. The Board of Appeal cannot process an appeal unless the applicant has received a decision from the teacher of their first-stage rectification request.
The rectification request to the Board of Appeal must be submitted to the UEF Registry Office by email at kirjaamo@uef.fi or by post to: Registry Office of the University of Eastern Finland, Box 1627, 70211 KUOPIO.
The decision of the Board of Appeal is not subject to appeal.
For detailed information, please see Section 82 of the Universities Act and Section 45 of the Education Regulations.
A decision made by the Faculty Council on the assessment of a doctoral dissertation and a decision made by the dean or another person appointed by the dean on the assessment of a licentiate thesis or an equivalent final project included in advanced studies (e.g. Master's thesis) may be appealed to the Board of Appeal within fourteen (14) days of receiving notification of the decision.
The rectification request to the Board of Appeal must be submitted to the UEF Registry Office by email at kirjaamo@uef.fi or by post to: Registry Office of the University of Eastern Finland, Box 1627, 70211 KUOPIO.
The decision of the Board of Appeal can be appealed to the Administrative Court of Eastern Finland. The decision will include instructions on how to lodge an appeal.
A decision by the dean of the faculty on granting of an extension may be appealed to the Board of Appeal within fourteen (14) days of receiving a notification of the decision.
The rectification request to the Board of Appeal must be submitted to the UEF Registry Office by email at kirjaamo@uef.fi or by post to: Registry Office of the University of Eastern Finland, Box 1627, 70211 KUOPIO.
The decision of the Board of Appeal can be appealed to the Administrative Court of Eastern Finland. The decision will include instructions on how to lodge an appeal.
For detailed information, please see Section 42 of the Universities Act and Section 43 of the Education Regulations
Rectification may be requested by any person against whom a decision is addressed or whose rights, obligations or interests are directly affected by the decision. A proxy representative can be used in making
a rectification request.
The rectification request must include the following:
- the decision to which rectification is requested
- the applicant’s claim(s)
- justification for the claim(s)
- name, postal address, e-mail address and phone number of the person requesting rectification
- attached a certificate or proof of the date on which the decision was served
- attached the documents that the applicant wishes to invoke
If a proxy representative is used, the name and contact details of the proxy representative as well as the power of attorney issued by the person requesting rectification must also be provided.
The e-notification of the decision requires the consent of the person concerned. E-notification means that the decision can be sent by email to the person who submitted the rectification request. Without consent
to e-services, the decision will be sent by post. The procedure can be speeded up if the person submitting the rectification request states already when submitting the rectification request that they consent to e-services.
According to Section 25 of the Administrative Regulations of the University of Eastern Finland, the Rector appoints a Board of Appeal for a term of two years for processing rectification requests concerning the loss of the right of study, the assessment of study attainments and the recognition of studies completed elsewhere or the recognition of competence otherwise demonstrated. In addition to the chair and the vice-chair, the board includes four members and four deputy members. The chair and the vice-chair shall be professors or associate professors, two of the members and deputy members shall be teachers, and two shall be students.
UEF Board of Appeal during the term 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2025:
Mia Hoffrén, Professor, Chair (Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies)
Katri Hämeen-Anttila, Vice-Chair (Faculty of Health Sciences)
Ilkka Jormanainen, University Lecturer (Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology)
Sini Mikkola, University Lecturer (Philosophical Faculty)
Janina Baljashkin, Student
Antton Gustafsson, Student
Deputy Members:
Marjut Roponen, Professor (Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology)
Jaana Viljaranta, Professor (Philosophical Faculty)
Maija Halonen, University Lecturer (Faculty of Social Sciences and Business Studies)
Jyrki Ågren, University Lecturer (Faculty of Health Sciences)
Noora Alvinen, Student
Ella Ikonen, Student
The contact details of the Board of Appeal are: muutoksenhakulautakunta@uef.fi.