Hi new UEF students on the Kuopio Campus, welcome to use SYKETTÄ Kuopio services!
SYKETTÄ services are here to offer you many great ways to increase your physical activity throughout your studies. So whether you are looking for group classes, a gym workout or a chance to play ball sports with your student friends, we have it all! Also as a SYKETTÄ user you get practical and evidence based nutrition services and nutrition counseling grounded on your needs – and all this with student friendly prices!
Group exercise season in Kuopio begins 29th of August and the sports calendar is again full of many great classes including some golden oldies including pump, indoor cycling and yoga but also brand-new classes like commercial dance, dance acrobatics and barre. What’s best, you are welcome to try all these classes and our other services for free during the free sports weeks until 14th of September! All you need to do is register as an user on our webpage, enroll for classes via sports calendar and enjoy the movement.
SYKETTÄ Kuopio services are for Kuopio university community. All important information can be found on our webpage: www.sykettä.fi/kuopio
Make sure to follow us on Instagram “@syketta_kpo” and on Facebook “Sykettä – Kuopion korkeakoululiikunta”.