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Search Results: applying

Doctoral education and applying for a study right [page]

Doctoral education The University of Eastern Finland offers high-quality research opportunities after obtaining your Master’s degree, including a doctoral degree. Some fields also offer professional postgraduate degrees, such as the medical physicist’s and chemist’s degrees. The aim of scientific doctoral education is to educate professionals in research who have the capacity to work independently in […]

Applying as an incoming exchange student [page]

Exchange students Exchange students are non-degree students who intend to study at the University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu or Kuopio campus) for one or two semesters. These students participate in bilateral or international student exchange programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, YUFE, FIRST, ISEP, Nordplus/Nordlys, bilateral agreement). An exchange student must have completed at least one year of […]

General instructions for applying [page]

Calls for applications and application period Calls for exchange applications are programme-specific information notices, that include information about each exchange programme’s placements and host universities, application deadlines, and other important information related to the application. Calls for applications are published at the beginning of the application period in the Calls for applications for student exchange […]

Apply for an extension to your study right by 31 May 2024 [article]

Now is a good time to check whether you need to apply for an extension to your study right. If your study right at the University of Eastern Finland is about to expire on 31 July 2024 and you wish to continue your studies, you have to apply for an extension by 31 May 2024. […]

Sustainable exchange [page]

The sustainability of exchange studies can be viewed from several different perspectives. Ecological sustainability refers to the environmental effects of going on an exchange, such as emissions caused by travel and consumption related to the exchange. The social dimension, on the other hand, describes the effects of the exchange on local people, communities and, more […]

Finding an exchange destination [page]

Student exchange at the University of Eastern Finland is done in the framework of different exchange programmes. Host countries and universities vary greatly between programmes: exchange agreements are made on a subject/departmental level and also university-wide. Placements in subject/department specific agreements are available for students of these fields, while university-wide placements are available for students […]

Erasmus+ short-term exchanges [page]

The Erasmus+ programme enables mobility grants for short-term exchanges (blended intensive programmes, BIP). Blended intensive programmes, or BIP courses, are individual courses organized by UEF’s Erasmus partner universities, which students can apply for and participate in during the academic year. A student can apply for a grant through UEF, but applying for a course is a […]