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Reserving Legal deposit copies in UEF Finna is closed until the end of the year 2019

Due to the library system being replaced, the library suspends book acquisitions and the processing of books into collections until the end of the year. Due to this interruption making reservations on Legal deposit copies is closed from this point on. We will inform you about making reservations in UEF Primo later.  For more information please contact: Riitta Porkka, riitta.porkka[at] or acquisitions[at]   Please follow our detailed updates about the process on the UEF Library’s webpage (opening in a new window), University intranet and UEF Library’s social media channels.

Transfer your favourites & searches from UEF Finna

UEF Library is changing its library system at the turn of the year 2019-2020. If you want to keep your favourites and saved searches,  you have to transfer them yourself as they will not automatically migrate to the new library system UEF Primo. Transfer your favourites either to your email or to Refworks.


Send your favourites to your own email

  • Login to UEF-Finna
  • Click Favourites
  • If necessary, increase the number of results per page (default: 20/page)
  • Tick Select Page
  • Click Email
  • Enter your email address and click Send

Transferring Favourites to RefWorks

You can keep your saved searches only by copying + pasting them to e.g. a Word file, or by taking and saving them as screenshots.

More information:

The library is changing its library system at the turn of year

Effects on library services:

In the transition period all books will have longer loaning periods
course books starting from 2.12.2019
other books starting from 18.11.2019
The last day for making reservations is 11.12.2019.UEF students and staff members can no longer make independent requests of article copies of the National Repository Library’s journals. They will be made via the interlibrary services.  UEF Library is changing its library system at the turn of the year 2019-2020.   Personal UEF Finna accounts will cease on 16.12.2019.
All UEF Libraries will be closed during the transferring phase 21.12.2019-1.1.2020. For other exceptions in opening hours go to library’s webpage (opening in a new window).

Please follow our detailed updates about the process on the UEF Library’s webpage (opening in a new window), University intranet and UEF Library’s social media channels.

Read Ellibs e-books on new mobile app

Ellibs mobile application is now available for Android and iOS devices. With the application, you can browse, borrow and reserve books from the University of Eastern Finland’s Ellibs collection. Read the e-books easily with the Ellibs reader. The free Ellibs application can be downloaded from Google Play or App Store:

In the application, first select “Itä-Suomen yliopiston kirjasto” (University of Eastern Finland Library) as your library. Then log in with your Haka credentials and choose “Itä-Suomen yliopisto” (University of Eastern Finland) as your home institution – and the collection is at your disposal.

Ellibs e-books can still be read on the browser of your device and/or downloaded to Adobe Digital Editions and Bluefire Reader. E-books borrowed on the online service can be viewed in the mobile app and vice versa.

More information: acquisitions [at]

Library improves availability of course books – objective: shorter request queues

Owing to the feedback received, we aim at improving the availability of course books by acquiring more of them.

As before, we try to acquire course books in electronic form with unlimited concurrent user access licences. However, if a course book is only available in printed form, we will acquire one lendable copy of the course book per five students enrolled for the course, though no more than 30 copies of one title. Previously the ratio was one book per ten students enrolled for the course and no more than 25 copies of one title. In addition, we always try to acquire one or more reading room copies of each course book.

Library’s updated collection programme (in Finnish) can be found from our home page.


For more information: acquisitions[at]

Impact factor, H-index, Jufo…. Do you use these? Do you need information about them?

The library assesses the use of research and publishing activity indicators and the need for training at the University of Eastern Finland and the Kuopio University Hospital.

Reply anonymously to this short questionnaire, which we hope to experience with students, teachers, researchers, professors and other staff (even if you do not need these indicators in your studies or work!).

The questionnaire is open 1.10. – 12.10.2018. The survey results are used to develop library web sites and services.

More information: [at]