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Search Results: research

Grants of Teollisuusneuvos Heikki Väänänen Fund for 2021 [article]

Application period: 12 October–11 November 2020 Teollisuusneuvos Heikki Väänänen Fund awards grants for wood-related scientific research at the University of Eastern Finland. Grants may be awarded for research projects that increase research-based knowledge of wood and promote the development of novel wood products or enhance the use and usability of wood for the needs of […]

Services and technical support [page]

Digital Services UEF Digital Services offers ICT and Learning Technology services for UEF staff and students. You can contact IT Servicedesk by phone, via chat, email or eServices (see below). eServices On the eServices website (requires UEF login), you can request online support for the use of different UEF services or report on any disruptions. You […]

Information for new staff members [page]

If you have been employed as a new member of staff, you will obtain information on employment relationship matters e.g. Guide for international staff New employee quick start guide in Heimo (requires UEF login) 10 steps to become UEFian online induction New staff orientation twice a year in autumn and spring (in Heimo, requires UEF […]

Academic career [page]

Career models of the UEF Four-Stage Career Model and Tenure Track Model are used in the University of Eastern Finland (as well as many other Finnish universities). Four-Stage Career Model The model seeks to promote academic career advancement and goal-oriented transition from one stage to another. The first stage for both researchers and teachers is […]

Career support in doctoral studies [page]

Courses in career planning and job searching To support career planning and enhance job searching skills of doctoral researchers, UEF Doctoral School organises two courses on an annual basis: Career planning portfolio for doctoral researchers, which focuses on identifying one’s strengths, development needs, interests, values, and goals, and identifying different career options – Tools for […]

Dissertation news releases and public examinations on UEF’s website [page]

The university’s Communications and Media Relations raises awareness of research carried out at the university by, e.g., adding information about upcoming public examinations in the university’s events calendar and publishing doctoral dissertation news releases on the university’s website and social media channels, and also by sharing this information with the media. The faculties’ designated Communications […]

Public examination [page]

As the name suggests, the public examination of a dissertation is an event which is open to the general public. The event is also a visible and festive way to publish research results. The public examination is usually held in approximately one month of the faculty’s permission to defend the dissertation. This gives enough time […]

Cotutelle double degree [page]

Cotutelle agreement gives you a chance to simultaneously graduate from the UEF and a foreign university. This is practical, for example, if your research topic is international in its nature, and/or if your supervisor works in a foreign university. The studies and the degree are carried out at both the universities according to their criteria. […]

Other courses and training [page]

In addition to studies in individual doctoral programmes and transferable skills studies provided by the doctoral school, you can take other courses and studies that are useful for your research and career. The university also offers various kinds of short-term training, which does earn you credit points. Courses on writing research funding applications There are […]

Conferences and seminars [page]

Conferences and seminars offer an opportunity to meet international colleagues, learn about their research and introduce your own research results. Experiences and knowledge of your supervisors and peers are valuable when looking for a proper conference. Information about upcoming conferences can be also found, for example, in Research Professional, where you can login using the […]