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Search Results: teaching

The University of Eastern Finland´s face mask recommendation to personnel and students [article]

THE UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND’S FACE MASK RECOMMENDATION TO PERSONNEL AND STUDENTS                                     UEF recommends that face masks be used in study and work situations wherein maintaining a safe distance from others is not possible. Such situations include, e.g.: Guidance, advisory, and teaching situations that cannot be carried out remotely or on campus while maintaining safe […]

Info ssession for international students on Friday, 14 August, at 13-14 [article]

Welcome to an online info session for international students on Friday, 14 August 2020, at 13–14! The university is organising an info session for all international students about how the COVID-19 situation will affect teaching, learning and services at UEF this autumn. The info session will be led by the university’s Director of International Affairs, […]

Info session for international students on Friday, 14 August 2020, at 13–14 [article]

Welcome to an online info session for international students on Friday, 14 August 2020, at 13–14! The university is organising an info session for all international students about how the COVID-19 situation will affect teaching, learning and services at UEF this autumn. The info session will be led by the university’s Director of International Affairs, […]

The University of Eastern Finland will begin restoring its functions in phases beginning 14th May 2020 [article]

Amended 12.5.: Work-related visits to campus are allowed only with permission from the head of department/unit. The University of Eastern Finland will begin lifting restrictions on its functions in phases while observing the restrictions and guidelines from the government at every turn in order to ensure safety and security. The university staff will continue to […]

Regarding Security and Privacy in the Zoom Service [article]

The security of Zoom, used in online teaching and meetings, has been much discussed in media recently. UEF has taken a closer look at the discussion and sorted out the security implications. The Zoom service used in UEF is offered and implemented by CSC through NORDUnet. The service is located in Sweden and it’s used […]

Exceptional arrangements in education continue [article]

The Finnish Government has decided on 30 March 2020 to extend until 13 May 2020 the duration of the previously imposed restrictions to slow down the spread of coronavirus infections and to protect those at risk. The restrictions on early childhood education, teaching and education and training will continue at different levels of education. At […]

Important bulletin to students [article]

Dear University of Eastern Finland student, We sincerely hope that the transition to distance learning caused by the coronavirus situation has been a smooth one for you. Moreover, we look forward to seeing you back on campus, safe and sound, after the state of emergency eventually gets lifted in the future. The university’s facilities will […]

Extensions to evaluating study attainments [article]

The Academic Rector has decided that the authority given to individual teachers to decide on their teaching for the duration of the exceptional circumstances also pertains to defining the time in which exams and other assignments are assessed and their results published. Teachers can now, at their own discretion and for compelling/justified reasons, deviate from […]

Bulletin to all students of the University of Eastern Finland regarding the coronavirus situation 17.3.2020 [article]

This message is distributed to all students of the University of Eastern Finland. Take note of the issues that pertain to you. The unusual situation we are currently in has raised many questions and caused worry in all of us, and we wish to provide you with advice and guidelines by communicating with you openly. […]