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Search Results: research

Survey about the digital resource materials of the National Library of Finland [article]

Have you ever used the digital resource materials of the National Library of Finland or wondered how to use them? Would you like to contribute to the development of future research services of the National Library? If  yes, now is the chance to take part in a survey to develop researcher service concept called Mining […]

Do not worry! Here’s how you can access library services remotely [article]

Where can I find the e-version of my course reading? I could not find the book I was looking for as an e-book. What should I do? How does remote access work? Do I need to sign in to resources? How can I find other source material? Where can I find help and guidance with […]

University of Eastern Finland closes its facilities and moves to online teaching and remote work [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will close its campuses and moves all teaching online, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Finnish Government on 16 March. All facilities of the University of Eastern Finland will be closed on Tuesday 17 March 2020. The Government has announced, in cooperation with the President of the Republic, […]

Sustainable Development Week 28.10.–1.11.2019 [article]

The week is arranged jointly by ISYY (The Student Union of UEF) and SYL (National Union of University Students in Finland). Programme in English on Joensuu campus: Monday 28 Oct: UEF and sustainable development research seminar at 12.00-14.00, Carelia C2 Tuesday 29 Oct: Documentary screening: “TONY – The Chocolate Case” The documentary film “TONY” tells […]

Study regulations (mainly revoked 31.12.2023) [page]

1 August 2022 I General Section 1. Scope of application of the Study Regulations Under Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University of Eastern Finland has, on 14 December 2020, adopted the following Study Regulations which are applied at the university, alongside the provisions laid down in acts, decrees and […]

Student communications [page]

Yammer The UEF Opiskelijat // UEF Students community in Yammer is the main channel for UEF student communications. The content includes news and bulletins for all students (including the News page in Kamu) other informal communication In addition to the UEF Opiskelijat//UEF Students community, Yammer is also a good place to follow the UEF Ajankohtaista//UEF Current News community, […]

Call for Applicants: A Deputy Student Member to the Faculty Council of the Faculty of Science and Forestry [article]

The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) is a student union in compliance with the Universities Act, section 46. A statutory function of the Student Union is to elect student representatives to University organs in accordance with the Universities Act, chapter 3. The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland is […]

Theses [page]

All degrees conclude with a supervised written paper called a thesis. The following is a list of theses at UEF: The students get support to their thesis writing process in the form of seminars in which the participants typically present their work and comment on each other’s thesis plans at various stages. This way all […]

Applying as an incoming exchange student [page]

Exchange students Exchange students are non-degree students who intend to study at the University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu or Kuopio campus) for one or two semesters. These students participate in bilateral or international student exchange programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, YUFE, FIRST, ISEP, Nordplus/Nordlys, bilateral agreement). An exchange student must have completed at least one year of […]