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Studies during exchange [page]

During the exchange period, the student completes courses offered by the host university. After the exchange, the studies are included into the student’s degree at the University of Eastern Finland on the basis of the host university’s transcript of records. Exchange student’s course offerings Many foreign universities have their own course offerings for exchange students. […]

Applying as an incoming exchange student [page]

Exchange students Exchange students are non-degree students who intend to study at the University of Eastern Finland (Joensuu or Kuopio campus) for one or two semesters. These students participate in bilateral or international student exchange programmes (e.g. Erasmus+, YUFE, FIRST, ISEP, Nordplus/Nordlys, bilateral agreement). An exchange student must have completed at least one year of […]

Funding your studies abroad [page]

General information The tuition fees of the host university are waived for the outgoing exchange students who go on exchange via the exchange programmes or bilateral agreements of University of Eastern Finland. However, the outgoing exchange students should be prepared for other costs (study materials, membership fees, photocopies, etc.) In most student exchange programmes (including […]

General instructions for applying [page]

Calls for applications and application period Calls for exchange applications are programme-specific information notices, that include information about each exchange programme’s placements and host universities, application deadlines, and other important information related to the application. Calls for applications are published at the beginning of the application period in the Calls for applications for student exchange […]

Freemover/Visiting Student exchanges [page]

You can also apply for exchange studies outside exchange programmes, with a freemover or visiting student status. It is a good idea to chart the international contacts of your department/school when planning an independent student exchange. Many students have found great study and internship locations independently. It takes initiative to apply for independent studies abroad: […]

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about student exchange [page]

This page covers frequently asked questions about student exchange. Questions have been grouped as follows: Why is student exchange a good idea? Studying abroad often gives a new and broader perspective to your own field of study and offers the chance to take courses not provided by your home university. The exchange period will improve […]