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Search Results: usa

Sustainable exchange [page]

The sustainability of exchange studies can be viewed from several different perspectives. Ecological sustainability refers to the environmental effects of going on an exchange, such as emissions caused by travel and consumption related to the exchange. The social dimension, on the other hand, describes the effects of the exchange on local people, communities and, more […]

We are inviting applications for UEF Trainee positions for international degree students (UEF Trainee 2024 -programme) [article]

The aim of UEF Trainee -programme is to enhance employment possibilities of international degree students. In the programme, international degree students have a chance to work at UEF research groups or services, or at placements provided by collaborators for two months. During this period, international degree students will gain work experience in expert tasks and […]

Need eSupport? Visit [article]

eServices – is a solution combining the various customer service channels into one whole. In this bulletin, we will tell you about the eServices mainly from IT Services’ and eLearning Support Services’ – Oppitupa and Oppari – points of view. With eServices, you can read acute and current announcements as well as news concerning […]

Exceptions to Student and Learning Services’ offices’ opening hours [article]

Tulevat poikkeusaukioloajat Viikoilla 15–16 Opintopalveluiden asiakaspalvelu on auki seuraavalla tavalla: Ajankohtaiset aukioloajat Opintopalveluiden asiakaspalvelutiski on auki maanantaisin, keskiviikkoisin ja perjantaisin klo 10–15. Mikäli et pääse asioimaan näinä aukioloaikoina, otathan yhteyttä sähköpostitse tai puhelimitse, jotta voimme sopia tapaamisen muulle ajalle. Käyntiosoite: Joensuussa Aurora A, 1. krs; Kuopiossa Canthia, 2. krs Sähköpostiosoite: (Huomaathan, että loma-aikoina vastausajat ovat tavallista […]

Support for Master’s Thesis Writing [article]

Experiencing writer’s block? Cannot decide whether your overall text structure works or not? Not sure about the referencing style to use? Need some ideas on how to paraphrase better?   The course Support for Master’s Thesis Writing is here to help you and provide you guidance in your writing process.  We will overview the elements included […]

Microsoft 365 [page]

The Microsoft 365 service offered by the university includes e.g. e-mail, personal storage, co-working spaces, digital notebook, Office tools (also available for UEF students to download to their own mobile devices and computers) and a search center. New apps and tools are constantly added to the Microsoft 365 environment. A list of tools is provided […]

Wireless networks, WiFi [page]

University of Eastern Finland campuses offer Eduroam and UEF-open wireless networks. UEF-open is available for visitors and can be accessed without login. Eduroam requires a login with UEF-OPENAn open WLAN. Mainly for the use of visitors. Usage does not require a user account or a password. EDUROAM (More information HERE)UEF staff, students and research […]

Join Academic Bicycle Challenge 2021 in May! [article]

Bicycles can change the world – at least a bit! Academic Bicycle Challenge (ABC) is the cycling campaign designed for staff and students of academic institutions. In recent years, more than 60 universities from all over the world participated, cycling hundreds of thousands of kilometres. This year the goal is to achieve even more! During […]

Join Academic Bicycle Challenge 2021 in May! [article]

Bicycles can change the world – at least a bit! Academic Bicycle Challenge (ABC) is the cycling campaign designed for staff and students of academic institutions. In recent years, more than 60 universities from all over the world participated, cycling hundreds of thousands of kilometres. This year the goal is to achieve even more! During […]

Opparin ja tietotekniikkapalvelun palvelutiski Joensuussa muuttaa väistötiloihin [article]

Joensuun kampuskirjaston remontin vuoksi Opparin ja tietotekniikkapalvelun palvelutiski muuttaa väistötilaan Agoraan AG103 ma-ti 19.-20.4.2021. Palvelutiski on suljettu muuton ajan. Palvelu avataan uudessa tilassa ke 21.4.2021. Agoran tilassa on tietokoneita opiskelijoiden itsenäiseen opiskeluun, tulostin ja palvelutiski. Olemme avoinna arkisin klo 9–18, lauantaisin klo 10–14. Tarkistathan kevään ja kesän poikkeusaukioloajat Kamusta.   Väistötilassa toimitaan elokuun loppupuolelle saakka, […]