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Search Results: usa

University of Eastern Finland tightens its coronavirus restrictions on the Joensuu Campus for the remainder of the year – also Sykettä sports services in Kuopio are discontinued [article]

The City of Joensuu is now at an acceleration phase of the coronavirus epidemic, and this has an effect on the activities of the University of Eastern Finland on the Joensuu Campus. In accordance with the recommendations issued by the regional coronavirus working group, teaching on the Joensuu Campus is mostly organised online for the […]

Grants of Teollisuusneuvos Heikki Väänänen Fund for 2021 [article]

Application period: 12 October–11 November 2020 Teollisuusneuvos Heikki Väänänen Fund awards grants for wood-related scientific research at the University of Eastern Finland. Grants may be awarded for research projects that increase research-based knowledge of wood and promote the development of novel wood products or enhance the use and usability of wood for the needs of […]

Funding options for doctoral researchers [page]

The right to pursue doctoral studies does not include funding or a contract of employment or teaching tasks at the University. However, full-time doctoral students need funding to cover their costs of living and potential research costs (travel costs, research material etc.). Funding options should be discussed with the supervisor already when planning to apply […]

Parking on campus becomes cheaper from 1 September 2020 onwards [article]

The price of parking permits for the University of Eastern Finland’s campuses is revised from 1 September. Due to the coronavirus situation, the prices of both annual and monthly parking permits will be reduced; however, parking permit fees from the past spring will not be refunded. A new permit for charging electrical and hybrid cars […]

UEF entrance examinations to be organised remotely and for small groups [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will be organising its entrance examinations in May and June mostly as remote examinations that will be implemented in two phases. Information has been provided to the applicants of the changes to the student admission procedure and criteria via email, and those who have not yet received the information should […]

Universities decided on changes to spring student admissions [article]

It is important that applicants keep preparing for the admissions and take care of their wellbeing. Their long-term preparations have not gone to waste. The universities have decided on the implementation of student admissions in the current emergency conditions. All the units responsible for the study options available for application will publish their changed policies […]

New website opened 21 April 2020 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland´s new website is now open in the address! The first ones to get a new layout are the main sections of the website: the home page and the pages dedicated to news and events, studying, research, collaboration and university presentation. The websites of the faculties and units will […]

Unifi: University entrance exams to be replaced by alternative admissions procedures this spring [article]

The Finnish universities have concluded that, due to the coronavirus situation, organising traditional entrance examinations is not possible without compromising the safety of those involved. What makes guaranteeing safety impossible is the severity of the pandemic, the difficulty of identifying those at a higher risk for serious illness, as well as the risks associated with […]

Show your skills – coachings for job-seekers [article]

Are you seeking for a job in Finland? Do you want to improve your knowledge and skills for job-seeking and marketing your special skills? Do you want to meet employers from your sector? Join our coaching now! Please notice, that for this training you should have quite good Finnish skills (A2.2. or more), thus more […]

Apply for SYL’s Advisory Board for Development Cooperation! [article]

Are you inspired by global development and promoting education internationally? Are you concerned about climate change? Are you a persistent communicator, good at forming networks, or know a lot about funding? Do you want to put some of your knowledge to the use of the rest of the world? We are looking for people with […]