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People returning from the epidemic area: study or work from home for 14 days [article]

The coronavirus situation has changed again. The epidemic area currently covers mainland China, Iran, South Korea and Italy, and now also Tyrol in Austria and the state of North Rhine-Westphalia in Germany. The epidemic areas are reassessed on a daily basis. Please see the website of the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) for […]

Strategic planning and project management in Finnish-Russian cooperation context (4 ECTS) [article]

Are you interested in project work? Do you have an idea, but need support to implement your vision in practice? Do you want to strengthen your professional skills and networks, also internationally? How to succeed in cooperation with international partners? Projects can provide the basis for a wide range of development and they are also […]

Transfer your favourites & searches from UEF Finna [article]

UEF Library is changing its library system at the turn of the year 2019-2020. If you want to keep your favourites and saved searches,  you have to transfer them yourself as they will not automatically migrate to the new library system UEF Primo. Transfer your favourites either to your email or to Refworks. Instructions Send your […]

An appeal for ISYY’s members: Vote in the Representative Council elections [article]

The Central Election Committee of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) appeals to every member of ISYY to vote in the Representative Council elections. By participating in the Representative Council elections, you can best influence the most important matters of your student life and take part in the decision-making. Don’t miss […]

Campus happening Campus Crash (Kampusrysäys) will start the academic year of UEF’s new students 5 Sept [article]

The campus happening Campus Crash (Kampusrysäys) will start the academic year of UEF’s new students for the eighth time. The event will be held in Joensuu and Kuopio on Thursday 5.9.2019. The City Orienteering (kaupunkisuunnistus), an event, where students will go around their campus city in groups and complete different kinds of tasks given to […]

Study regulations (mainly revoked 31.12.2023) [page]

1 August 2022 I General Section 1. Scope of application of the Study Regulations Under Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University of Eastern Finland has, on 14 December 2020, adopted the following Study Regulations which are applied at the university, alongside the provisions laid down in acts, decrees and […]

Student communications [page]

Yammer The UEF Opiskelijat // UEF Students community in Yammer is the main channel for UEF student communications. The content includes news and bulletins for all students (including the News page in Kamu) other informal communication In addition to the UEF Opiskelijat//UEF Students community, Yammer is also a good place to follow the UEF Ajankohtaista//UEF Current News community, […]

Use Your Vote in the European Elections 2019! [article]

This spring is a good time to make a difference. We have already voted in the Finnish Parliamentary Elections, and now we have a chance to set the course of the European Parliament for the next five years! What Elections? The European Parliament is one of the legislative organs of the European Union. EU citizens […]

Studies for exchange students [page]

Information on Courses for Exchange Students in 2024-25 in Peppi UEF offers a lot of courses which can be completed entirely in English. These studies are offered for the incoming exchange students and the visiting students on both campuses in Joensuu and in Kuopio. The exchange students are relatively free to choose courses from their […]

TalentBoost trainee wanted for ELY Centre in Kuopio [article]

TalentBoost trainee wanted for ELY Centre in Kuopio Take part in -broadcast on Thursday 11.4.2019, at 14:00 in the address Application dead line: 14.4. at 23:45   Currently we are looking for a creative and business-oriented international university graduate or student who is finalizing his/her studies for an International Trainee position in Kuopio […]