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New website opened 21 April 2020 [article]

The University of Eastern Finland´s new website is now open in the address! The first ones to get a new layout are the main sections of the website: the home page and the pages dedicated to news and events, studying, research, collaboration and university presentation. The websites of the faculties and units will […]

University of Eastern Finland will organise entrance examinations by using online solutions and other alternatives – participants will be informed of changes by email [article]

The University of Eastern Finland has begun to reorganise the way entrance examinations will be held this spring under the prevailing state of emergency. It has already been decided that some of the first entrance examinations in April will be organised by using online solutions. The Philosophical Faculty’s internal student admissions to minor subject studies […]

Unifi: University entrance exams to be replaced by alternative admissions procedures this spring [article]

The Finnish universities have concluded that, due to the coronavirus situation, organising traditional entrance examinations is not possible without compromising the safety of those involved. What makes guaranteeing safety impossible is the severity of the pandemic, the difficulty of identifying those at a higher risk for serious illness, as well as the risks associated with […]

Safety first as universities prepare for student admissions – any entrance exam changes reported by 15 April 2020 [article]

The Finnish universities are following up on the spread of the coronavirus pandemic and are carefully preparing for the practical arrangements of student admissions under these exceptional circumstances. Universities are preparing for different scenarios in close collaboration with Finland’s Ministry of Education and Culture and the Finnish National Agency for Education in compliance with the […]

Important bulletin to students [article]

Dear University of Eastern Finland student, We sincerely hope that the transition to distance learning caused by the coronavirus situation has been a smooth one for you. Moreover, we look forward to seeing you back on campus, safe and sound, after the state of emergency eventually gets lifted in the future. The university’s facilities will […]

Extensions to evaluating study attainments [article]

The Academic Rector has decided that the authority given to individual teachers to decide on their teaching for the duration of the exceptional circumstances also pertains to defining the time in which exams and other assignments are assessed and their results published. Teachers can now, at their own discretion and for compelling/justified reasons, deviate from […]

University of Eastern Finland closes its facilities and moves to online teaching and remote work [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will close its campuses and moves all teaching online, in accordance with the instructions issued by the Finnish Government on 16 March. All facilities of the University of Eastern Finland will be closed on Tuesday 17 March 2020. The Government has announced, in cooperation with the President of the Republic, […]

Studying and teaching arrangements, coronavirus situation [page]

Updated 15.9.2022 The foundation of all activities is to ensure that it is safe to work and study at the university. This calls for responsible behavior from us all. It is very important that you follow the guidelines and recommendations given by the university and the relevant authorities. The university is continuously monitoring the situation […]

Campus restaurants’ coronavirus guidelines [article]

News bulletin from Compass Group, the provider of campus restaurant services, 13 March 2020. The health and safety of our employees, customers and consumers is our highest priority. We consider guidelines issued by authorities a minimum requirement. In addition, we are proactively adjusting our operations on a daily basis to ensure the security of our […]

Avoid risk of contracting the coronavirus: reconsider your attendance in mass events [article]

The World Health Organization, WHO, has declared the coronavirus situation a pandemic. Several countries have already decided to cancel public events attracting large international crowds. Although this is not yet the official recommendation issued by the Finnish authorities, the university strongly recommends that its staff members and students refrain from attending Kontiolahti Biathlon, or any […]