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Search Results: work

The University of Eastern Finland´s face mask recommendation to personnel and students [article]

THE UNIVERSITY OF EASTERN FINLAND’S FACE MASK RECOMMENDATION TO PERSONNEL AND STUDENTS                                     UEF recommends that face masks be used in study and work situations wherein maintaining a safe distance from others is not possible. Such situations include, e.g.: Guidance, advisory, and teaching situations that cannot be carried out remotely or on campus while maintaining safe […]

Library services from 17.8. onwards [article]

Joensuu campus library and KUH Medical library will open on August 17, 2020 with summer opening hours. Kuopio campus library will open on September 1, 2020. Library facilities will be open for borrowing and returning on the principle of self-service. The exceptional pickup service of books for uefians will cease on Thu August 13. Reservations […]

Stay active! – students’ wellbeing in summer [article]

Student Union ISYY organises this summer Stay Active! – students’ wellbeing in summertime -project with the funding from European Social Fund. Project is organised at Joensuu campus and online between 22.6.– 31.8.2020. The events are open to all UEF students. Students of the Kuopio campus can also participate in online events. The aim of the […]

Digistartti for new students [page]

The link to Digistartti 2023-2024 (opens in a new window). Important! Digistartti platform in English for the academic year 2023-2024 will be closed on 31.7.2024! If your assignments are in progress, please complete them by 31.7.2024. If you are a new student starting your studies in autumn 2024, go to “Digistartti” for the academic year […]

Information about services available this summer 2020 [article]

Completion of final theses and experimental sections included in them Crucial research work may continue in the university’s facilities. Whether or not the experimental section of a thesis is deemed crucial will be assessed by the relevant research group’s director, supervisor or other person in charge of supervision. So, the first thing to do is […]

Limited access to libraries in August [article]

Library facilities will be open on a limited basis in August for lending and return. The principle is self-service. The Joensuu campus library will open on a limited basis on August 17, 2020. The KUH Medical library will open on a limited basis on August 17, 2020. The Kuopio campus library will open on a […]