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Nordics: Nordplus and Nordlys [page]

Via the Nordplus exchange programme, students can go on exchange to the Nordic Countries and the Baltic region. Some Nordic and Baltic universities are also available through the department-specific agreements under the Erasmus+ programme. NORDPLUS programme NORDPLUS is a student exchange programme for Bachelor’s and Master’s level students that is funded by the Nordic Council […]

Forms and reporting for outgoing students [page]

General information about forms and reporting NB! On this page, you will find information for students who have already been selected for exchange studies or received a traineeship placement abroad. Instructions on how to apply for exchange and other information to read before you apply for exchange can be found on other pages, such as […]

Checklist for outgoing exchange students [page]

Checklist: before your exchange Start planning your exchange: Why do you want to go? What are your goals for the exchange? Where do you want to go? What do you want to study during your exchange? Your major, minor, the local language, something else? What language do you want to use when studying? English? Another […]

Funding your studies abroad [page]

General information The tuition fees of the host university are waived for the outgoing exchange students who go on exchange via the exchange programmes or bilateral agreements of University of Eastern Finland. However, the outgoing exchange students should be prepared for other costs (study materials, membership fees, photocopies, etc.) In most student exchange programmes (including […]

General instructions for applying [page]

Calls for applications and application period Calls for exchange applications are programme-specific information notices, that include information about each exchange programme’s placements and host universities, application deadlines, and other important information related to the application. Calls for applications are published at the beginning of the application period in the Calls for applications for student exchange […]

Academic calendar [page]

The university provides education during the autumn and spring semesters. Education has been divided into period and there are four periods per academic year. The official academic year starts on 1 August and ends on 31 July. Courses may include teaching over several periods. There may also be teaching outside the periods but never during the […]

Safety and security [page]

The crime rate is low in Finland in comparison to most other European countries. Visitors have little need to fear for their personal safety or their property. Nevertheless, reasonable caution with personal belongings is always recommended as a precaution. Incoming international students are reminded to take into consideration that although Finland is a safe, tolerant […]

Student housing [page]

The student housing is offered by independent, non-profit student housing companies, that are not part of the University of Eastern Finland. They offer accommodation in different parts of the city but no on-campus dormitories are available. As an exchange student you can apply for housing as soon as you have received the official Letter of […]

Study-related laws and regulations [page]

Universities Act (558/2009) Act of the implementation of the Universities Act (559/2009) Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004) Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003) Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) Constitution of Finland (731/1999) University of Eastern Finland Degree Regulations (pdf) Study regulations (1.8.2019) Implementation of the change to the grading scale used in the […]

Information security guide [page]

Student’s information security in a nutshell You are responsible for all activities carried out under your user ID. Apart from your personal data, also remember to protect other people’s information that is in your possession. Never tell your password to anyone else. Choose a password that is easy for you to remember but impossible for […]