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Search Results: ura

Discounted prices for student meals now available also in Antell restaurants on Microkatu [article]

New participating student restaurants are Antell Round and Antell Log in Bistro in KPY Novapolis building (former Technopolis) in the address Microkatu 1. The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, KELA´s, meal subsidy for students is €1.94 per meal. The subsidy is deducted from the price of the meal at the student restaurant. You pay the […]

Insurance cover for students [page]

Health insurance for incoming international students UEF requires that all incoming international students must have a valid personal health insurance and a travel insurance from an internationally recognized insurance agency for the whole duration of their stay in Finland. Insurance should cover all costs related to a treatment of sudden illness, accidents and accidental death. […]

Campus restaurants and lunch menus [page]

Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students and international exchange students are eligible for discounted meals at most campus restaurants. You qualify for the meal subsidy at the restaurant by presenting a valid student ID card. As the Student Union membership is not compulsory for exchange students, those students who decide not to obtain the student card […]

Normative duration of studies [page]

If your study right has started on or after 1 August 2005, restrictions apply to the duration of studies according to the following rules. No restrictions apply to study rights granted before 1 August 2005. Restrictions do not apply to study rights for doctoral studies, either. You can check the start and end dates of […]

Supervision plan [page]

The supervision plan is a document for the doctoral researcher and the supervisors to agree on the mutual division of duties, the practices and working methods of supervision, and the schedule and the ways of conducting doctoral research. The parties will also go through mutual expectations and commitments to work.  In the plan, the duration […]