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University of Eastern Finland tightens regulations on the COVID-19 coronavirus [article]

The University of Eastern Finland tightens its regulations relating to the COVID-19 coronavirus. As of Friday, 13 March 2020, all work- and studies-related travel abroad is prohibited, and leisure time travel is recommended to be avoided as well. Everyone returning from abroad must work or study from home for 14 days before coming to the […]

Study regulations (mainly revoked 31.12.2023) [page]

1 August 2022 I General Section 1. Scope of application of the Study Regulations Under Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University of Eastern Finland has, on 14 December 2020, adopted the following Study Regulations which are applied at the university, alongside the provisions laid down in acts, decrees and […]

Theses [page]

All degrees conclude with a supervised written paper called a thesis. The following is a list of theses at UEF: The students get support to their thesis writing process in the form of seminars in which the participants typically present their work and comment on each other’s thesis plans at various stages. This way all […]

Grant for studies and/or research period [article]

GRANT FOR STUDIES AND/OR RESEARCH PERIOD ABROAD IN 2019   Target groups and eligibility criteria The Saastamoinen Foundation has donated EUR 10,000 to the University of Eastern Finland, to be used for the Anitta Etula Special Grant. The grant will be awarded to one Master’s level student with a doctoral study right or to one […]

Thesis and maturity test [page]

A thesis is a academic paper on research related to a degree. It also involves taking a maturity test. The maturity test is for demonstrating that the student is familiar with the discipline of the thesis. Bachelor’s thesis For a bachelor’s degree, a student must prepare a bachelor’s thesis as part of the intermediate studies of […]

The examination and evaluation of the theses included in the advanced studies [page]

Instructions and process Student: Using Turnitin plagiarism detection software on Moodle prior to officially submitting your thesis for examination Upload your thesis to Moodle for your supervisor to perform plagiarism detection on it. Your supervisor will review the plagiarism detection report. If everything is OK, your supervisor will send you an email and gives you […]

University glossary [page]

Academic quarter? Demo? Faculty? For the definitions of these and many other words and concepts related to university life, see this vocabulary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y  A Absent student is a student who has not paid […]

Student guidelines on the practices of supported practical training [page]

It is important for your future employment that you perform the voluntary on-the-job training included in your studies. It would also be desirable that you direct your gaze outside your home country and use your opportunity to complete international practical training during your studies. Complete the practical training and insert it into your personal study […]

Examinations [page]

General rules and regulations on study attainments, ways of completing studies, the evaluation of study attainments and reporting the results are set out in the University of Eastern Finland Education Regulations section 31. Course-specific examinations The students pre-register for each exam in Peppi during the course-specific exam registration period.  The students should always attend the first possible […]

Information security guide [page]

Student’s information security in a nutshell You are responsible for all activities carried out under your user ID. Apart from your personal data, also remember to protect other people’s information that is in your possession. Never tell your password to anyone else. Choose a password that is easy for you to remember but impossible for […]