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- Support Channels for Students
Support Channels for Students
Last modified: 11.05.2022
PrintOn the eServices website (opens in a new tab), you can request online support for use of different UEF services or report on any disruptions. The use of the e-Services requires a UEF user account.
The Admissions Office of the University of Eastern Finland offers guidance in general questions relating to the application process, eligibility, application forms, application enclosures, admission requirements, etc.
Service number: +358 29 445 8990, Mon-Fri 10-14
Email address: admissions@uef.fi
Street address: Joensuu Aurora A, 1 floor, Kuopio Canthia, 2. floor.
Library opening hours are listed on the Library’s www page (opens in a new tab).
See also: UEF Primo (opens in a new tab) search engine and Research Support (opens in a new tab).
The key services provided are advice and support for outgoing exchange students, advice and support for incoming exchange students and international degree students, orientations and international tutoring. International Student Services also coordinates international mobility of teachers and staff and UEF Summer School.
Do you need information on studying abroad?
Email address: international@uef.fi
Visiting address: Joensuu Aurora A, 1. floor, Kuopio Canthia, 2. floor
The Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk offers general study counselling, information on term registration and study rights and maintains the student register. The customer services desk also provides study certificates and transcripts of records.
Phone number: +358 29 445 8900
- phone service: Mon–Thu from 12 to 2 pm (12–14)
Opening/office hours:
- on Wednesdays the Student and Learning Services’ customer service desk is open from 10 am to 2 pm (10–14).
- At other times the customer service desk is open by appointment only. You can book an appointment in an hour, at the earliest, and a week in advance, at most. You can book a Teams meeting or an in-person appointment at the Joensuu or Kuopio customer service point through our booking site (opens in a new tab). The available times are shown in the booking calendar.
Exceptions to the Student and Learning Services' customer service opening hours are announced here.
Email address: opiskelu@uef.fi
- If your message contains confidential information, contact us and we will give you instructions on how to send your message encrypted.
Visiting address:
- Joensuu Campus, Aurora building, entrance A, ground floor (Yliopistokatu 2)
- Kuopio Campus, Canthia building, 2. floor, Oppari (Yliopistonrinne 3)
Postal address:
- Joensuu: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O. Box 111, FI-80101 Joensuu
- Kuopio: University of Eastern Finland, Student and Learning Services, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio
Student well-being services (Student life and well-being: Student Union ISYY and student associations, Providers of help, Student health care – FSHS, Student housing, Student sports services, Accessible studies, Inappropriate treatment and harassment, Campus activities, Campuses and campus cities, Financing the studies, Other social benefits for students, Unsuitability to study – the SORA legislation, Campus pastors, Campus restaurants and lunch menus, Insurance cover for students, Substance abuse programme for students, Equality, Safety and security).
- Providers of help
- Student well-being work at UEF
- Educational Psychologist Services at campuses , email address: opintopsykologi@uef.fi
Oppari helps students ia. with IT problems related to studies. We provide support for Office 365, moodle, EXAM, printing, scanning, and copying. You can also find Oppari in Viva Engage.
- personal on-hand guidance on how to use computers and software
- printing, copying, scanning – view presentation and instructions
- reservation of group study rooms
- UEF passwords and access to the eduroam WiFi network
- IT Device Lending Machine (computers and tablets for short-term loans)
- Electronic EXAM
Email address: servicedesk@uef.fi
You can also leave a service request via https://asiointi.uef.fi/. Choose the form "Student's Digital Skills" under the heading "Student services".
Visiting address:
- Joensuu: Carelia, 1. floor
- Kuopio: Canthia, 2. floor
Opening hours
- Joensuu: weekdays from 9 am to 6 pm, Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm
- Kuopio: weekdays from 8 am to 6 pm, Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm
- NOTE! See exceptions in opening hours.
UEF IT Services department offers ICT and Learning Technology services to UEF staff and students. The most common IT questions and issues students have are related to the UEF account (opens in a new tab) and password change (opens in a new tab).
Phone service number: 0294 458880
The phone service is open 8 am to 3 pm on weekdays. You can find the possible exceptions to opening hours from IT Services contact info (opens in a new tab).
Viva Engage
The UEF Opiskelijat // UEF Students community in Viva Engage is the main channel for UEF student communications. The content includes
- news and bulletins for all students (including the News page in Kamu)
- other informal communication
In addition to the UEF Opiskelijat//UEF Students community, Viva Engage is also a good place to follow the UEF Ajankohtaista//UEF Current News community, which is directed at the university as a whole.
The main channel for communication for postgraduate students (doctorate or licentiate) is Viva Engage’s Tohtorinkoulutus//Doctoral education community. The doctoral programmes also have their own channels, which you should follow to stay on track with their events and other important bulletins related to doctoral studies. The Viva Engage also has several other groups, such as the research funding group, which anyone completing their postgraduate degree should join.
Kamu is a students’ knowledge base on studying at the University of Eastern Finland. Kamu has all the instructions common to all students, such as the Guide for New Students, links to different services and the News section,the content of which includes
- bulletins for all UEF students, in both Finnish and English
- updates to common instructions and guides
- exceptional opening hours
- UEF services and events for students
Study communities
Study communities are study programme or academic subject-specific online sources of information and instructions. They serve as knowledge bases for students and contain instructions and other information that is important for studying. Built in the Office 365 environment, study communities require a login with UEF username. It is good to follow at least the study communities of your major and minor subjects and the information they disseminate. Study communities can be found here: study communities
Study communities are not used when studying at the Open University or completing a postgraduate degree, with the exception of the Language Centre’s study community.
Other communication channels aimed at students
- Tuudo
- The News section in WebOodi
- The communication channels of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY)
- The news sections of UEF units, such as the library and the Language Centre
- Social media channels
Lifelong learners
Open University and continuing professional education students can use the same communication channels as other students. It is important to follow Viva Engage and Kamu. The subject-specific communication channel for Open University students is Moodle.
Communicating about exceptional circumstances and disruptions
When a disruption or exceptional circumstances are known in advance, information about the situation will be disseminated in the communication channel related to the service and in the UEF Students community in Viva Engage.
The main channel for crisis communication is a text message or an e-mail service.
Principles of student communications at UEF
- Students have access to up-to-date information that is relevant to their studies.
- The languages of student communication are Finnish and English.
- The student communication channels should be clear and understandable.
- As a rule, communications are aimed at a specific target group.
- The contents of bulletins are clear and the headlines are descriptive.
- Communication aimed at students is implemented and developed taking into account the needs of the students.
- The principles of student communication are timeliness, reach, understandability, reliability, openness and interactivity.
Do you need supporting study and career planning and high quality placement in working life after graduation?
Email address: urapalvelut@uef.fi
The content of the studies is known the best in faculties and units. See study coordinators and study communities.
The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) is an interest and services organization for UEF students, operating on the Joensuu and Kuopio Campuses. All bachelor’s and master’s degree students at UEF are our members.
ISYY provides various services for students, for example events and theme weeks, student health services (FSHS) and well-being services, SYKETTÄ sports services and sports equipment loans, interest advocacy, communication services, ISYY clubs and international services. Learn more about the ISYY services.
The offices of ISYY are located on both UEF campuses, Joensuu and Kuopio. The offices act as the headquarters for all ISYY operations.
- Joensuu office, Address: Yliopistokatu 7, Haltia Building, 2nd Floor, P.O. Box 111, FI-80100 Joensuu, Finland, Email: toimisto.joensuu@isyy.fi, Tel. +358 (0) 44 576 8449
- Kuopio office, Address: Yliopistonranta 3, Studentia Building, entrance, door C, P.O. Box 1627, FI-70211 Kuopio, Finland, Email: toimisto.kuopio@isyy.fi, Tel. +358 (0) 44 576 8419
See contact numbers, addresses and opening hours FSHS Joensuu (opens in a new tab) and FSHS Kuopio (opens in a new tab).