The calendar on the student’s desktop in Peppi is working again [article]
The issue with the calendar on the student’s desktop in Peppi has been resolved. The calendar is now working again.
The issue with the calendar on the student’s desktop in Peppi has been resolved. The calendar is now working again.
The calendar on the student’s desktop in Peppi is not working at the moment. The technical support is currently investigating the problem. At the moment, timetables can be seen in Lukkarikone and Tuudo. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Hi all UEF students on the Joensuu Campus! SYKETTÄ services of autumn season 2022 in Joensuu starts from 1.9.2022. In the autumn sports calendar, you can find old familiar classes and instructors, but also many novelties, new instructors and a few returning classes and turns. Check out the selection of the sports calendar on the […]
When the libraries are closed due to the renovations, you can contact us online. More information.
Answer ISYY’s calendar survey – share your ideas and you can win a “Straight outta” canvas bag! What do you wish that the ISYY calendar included? How could we make the ISYY calendar even better? We are interested in discovering the opinions, wishes, and ideas of our members regarding the calendar in order to improve […]
Due to the campus renovations, libraries will move to summer opening hours on April 19, 2021, and will also be temporarily closed. See the calendar for details. Read more.
The university provides education during the autumn and spring semesters. Education has been divided into period and there are four periods per academic year. The official academic year starts on 1 August and ends on 31 July. Courses may include teaching over several periods. There may also be teaching outside the periods but never during the […]
The calls for applications for November application period for outgoing student exchange have been published in Kamu. The calls are available on Kamu’s page calls for applications for student exchange. The November application period is open 1.-15.11.2024. The application period closes on Friday, November 15, at 3:00 PM sharp (Finnish time). Make sure you submit […]
The University of Eastern Finland will host a joint student graduation ceremony (publiikki) on Friday 9 May 2025 from 13:00 to 15:00. The ceremony will be held in room C1 of the Carelia building on the Joensuu campus and in room SN100 of the Snellmania building on the Kuopio campus. The programme will be available […]
The right to pursue doctoral studies does not include funding, a contract of employment, or teaching tasks at the university. However, full-time doctoral students need funding to cover their living costs and potential research costs (travel costs, research materials, etc.). Funding options should be discussed with the supervisor already when planning to apply for a […]