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Search Results: electronic-transcript

Student and study register – Peppi [page]

There will be a major service break in Peppi from 11 to 13 March 2025. Here you can find information on the effects of the service break. Peppi is an information system entity that is formed by the student and study register, education planning and facility and resource reservations. In Peppi, different functions are organized […]

Transcripts and certifications of student status now available digitally signed [article]

The transcript of records and the certification of student status that can be ordered through WebOodi are now digitally signed. They are as official as the traditional paper versions, signed and stamped, but only when used in their original pdf format. This means that you should not print them, or alter or edit the files […]

Before departure – a checklist for exchange students [page]

What to do before returning back home? Here you will find instructions on what to do before finishing your exchange with us and returning back home. Please do not leave the campus city before contacting the International Mobility Services (Päivi Haltilahti in Joensuu or Kirsi Konttinen in Kuopio). Housing Give notice to end your student […]

Credits and grades [page]

Credits The Finnish national credit allocation and accumulation system is equivalent to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS). This means that credits (opintopiste) are the same as those in the ECTS. One year of full-time studies requires about 1600 hours of work and corresponds to 60 credits (30 credits per semester). Lectures, exercises, seminars, […]

University glossary [page]

Academic quarter? Demo? Faculty? For the definitions of these and many other words and concepts related to university life, see this vocabulary. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y  A Absent student is a student who has not paid […]