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Search Results: work

Nordlys network short-term exchanges [page]

Students at the University of Eastern Finland may participate in short-term courses organised by Nordlys network partner universities. These courses may be free of charge or may have tuition or participation fees, depending on the organiser. Some courses may require a nomination from the home university before students can apply: if the course you are […]

Short outages in campus network connections 11.4.2024 at 18.00-00.00 [article]

Digital Services performs software updates to network devices on campus. Due to the updates there can be several short outages in the campus networks. If there are problems with the network connection after the outage, please contact IT Servicedesk ( / 029 445 8880). We are sorry for the inconvenience.

Students now have the opportunity to make facility reservations for study-related purposes e.g., for independent study and group work [article]

Students of the University of Eastern Finland can book university’s facilities for study-related purposes within the opening hours of the facilities, e.g., for independent study, group work, research interviews, or participation in remote teaching. Facilities Management will manage private use and facility reservations made by other external users in a centralised manner. Reservations for student […]

The calendar on the student’s desktop in Peppi is currently not working [article]

The calendar on the student’s desktop in Peppi is not working at the moment. The technical support is currently investigating the problem. At the moment, timetables can be seen in Lukkarikone and Tuudo. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Alliances and networks [page]

Young Universities for the Future of Europe (YUFE) YUFE Alliance offers a variety of studies, exchange and networking possibilities and volunteering opportunities in 10 universities across Europe, both online and on-site also for Doctoral Researchers. To make the most of the Alliance’s offerings, apply for the Student Journey study right. It is valid for a […]

Progress of the maintenance work of the Joensuu Campus Library [article]

Maintenance work has been carried out at the Joensuu Campus Library since August. Work will continue across the library for the rest of the year, and this will have temporary effects on moving in the facilities and the locations of the material. This may mean that there are alternative routes or that the location information […]

Maintenance work at Joensuu Campus Library starting from 14 August 2023 [article]

Maintenance work will be carried out at Joensuu Campus Library and in its immediate vicinity, starting on 14 August 2023. Work will begin at that time in front of Olola lounge area, where it will take about two weeks. Olola can be used normally, but only one of the doors leading from the Carelia building […]

Dear Student, are you wondering about your competence, skills, work and future? Support and new ideas are available [article]

The UEF Career Services offers various training modules at supporting study and career planning and high quality placement in working life. Autumn 2023 courses open for sign up in Peppi 7th August. SELF-STUDY COURSESCareer planning – self-study course 1 opJob seeking self-study course 1 opBasics of Finnish Working Life – self-study course 1 op EXERCISES IN […]

Sustainability Studies Network expands – already eight Finnish higher education institutions are members [article]

The Sustainability Studies Network established by the University of Eastern Finland, the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Turku expands as the University of Helsinki, the University of Lapland, the University of Oulu, the University of Vaasa and LAB University of Applied Sciences join the network. With the new members joining, the network’s course […]