Recognition of prior learning (RPL)
Last modified: 01.02.2024
PrintRecognition of prior learning (RPL) refers to a set of practices and procedures that can be used to assess the prior learning of the student and to approve that learning as part of the student’s studies. Prior learning may be a result of the student’s earlier studies or it can have been acquired in some other manner.
The recognition of prior learning is based on the correspondence between the applicant’s competencies and the content and level of the pursued degree and its components, as defined in the learning outcomes.
Applying for recognition of prior learning
You must apply for RPL in the unit that is responsible for the teaching. The faculties and other teaching units have specifying guidelines for RPL. Therefore, contact your study coordinator or responsible teacher before submitting your application.
You can apply for recognition of prior learning in Peppi either through the ‘RPL applications’ tab of your PSP or through the ‘Studies’ drop-down menu on the menu bar at the top of the page. You can find the student’s instructions for applying for recognition of prior learning in the ‘Students’ section of the Peppi Handbook.
Send the application to
If you are not satisfied with the decision, you have the right to apply for rectification.
- Recognition of prior learning (RPL) refers to a set of practices and procedures than can be used to assess the prior learning of the student and to approve that learning as part of the student’s studies.
- Identification refers to the assessment of prior learning in its different forms.
- Recognition refers to the procedure by which a course, credit transfer or part of the above are entered in the student’s study register on the basis of his or her prior learning.
- Credit transfer refers to the recognition of studies, training, work experience or other similar competence as part of the student’s pursued degree, study module or course. The forms of credit transfer are inclusion and substitution. Credit transfer is based on the learning outcomes defined in the curriculum.
- Inclusion refers to the approval of a course or a study module completed in some other educational institution in the degree as such.
- Substitution of studies means that a course or a study module included in the student’s curriculum is replaced with a course or a study module of a corresponding content and level, or on the basis of other competence.
- RPL demonstration is a way for the student to demonstrate his or her prior learning in a manner than can be evaluated. An RPL demonstration is used when credit transfer by direct substitution is not possible, or when the recognition of the student’s prior learning otherwise calls for a separate evaluation, i.e. demonstration of prior learning.
Instructions and contact information
Further instructions are available in your Study Community.