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Struggling with UEF Primo?

For quick help with UEF Primo challenges, please, contact the library customer services or our chat.

computer screen, keyboard, hand on mouse.

We are on call at Joensuu campus library

  • Primo clinic until 24th January 2020 Mon-Fri from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
  • Information retrieval guidance at “Neuvola” from 27th January 2020 Mondays to Fridays from 11:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m.

Come visit your campus library or connect via chat!

Student´s Well-being guidance point´s opening hours published for spring 2020

New guidance point (in Finnish: Hyvinvointineuvola) on Joensuu campus offers students advice and guidance on services related to well-being. Finnish Student Health Service´s health nurses, Campus Chaplain, study psychologist, career counsellor, anti-harassment contact person of student union and personnel from Language Centre will take turns to meet you.
The well-being guidance point will be open as follows in the facilities of campus library in the Carelia building.
Please see detailed information >> Well being guidance point spring 2020 Joensuu

Further information: Joensuu campus chaplain Tiina Belov, tiina.belov [at]

Tahko Slopes offers 40% discount on ski passes 12.1.–6.2.2020

Students and staff members of the University of Eastern Finland will get a 40% discount on ski passes at Tahko between 12 January and 6 February 2020!

The discount is also available for multi-day ski passes to be used during the above time. The discount is not available in the online shop, and a valid student or staff card needs to be presented when purchasing a ski pass.

See more >>

Dear remote access user, register as a library customer online

Due to library system change, remote access to e-resources via UEF Primo with UEF username and password requires registration as a library customer. To register as a customer, fill out the form. Registration doesn’t require picking up the library card – the card is required only for borrowing print materials. If you already have a library card, you don’t need to register again.

For more information library(at)