Mon-fri 16.-20.12.2024 | 10-15 |
Sat-sun 21.-29.12.2024 | Closed |
Mon 30.12.2024 | 10-15 |
Tue 31.12.2024 | 10-13 |
Wed 01.01.2025 | Closed |
Thu-fri 02.-03.01.2025 | 10-15 |
Sat-mon 04.-06.01.2025 | Closed |
Month: December 2024
We are inviting applications for UEF Trainee positions for international degree students (UEF Trainee 2025 -programme)
The aim of UEF Trainee -programme is to enhance employment possibilities of international degree students. In the programme, international students have a chance to work at placements provided by our collaborators for two months (or four months half time). During this period, international degree students will gain work experience in expert tasks and become familiar with Finnish working life and culture.
Take a look of the testimonials of our previous UEF Trainees:
“A move from Bangladesh to Eastern Finland led to new professional opportunities”
“UEF Trainees’ cultural competence supports the internationalisation of a forest sector company”
Students will be selected by the provider of the training placement (employer). The selection is based on application documents and a possible interview. You can apply simultaneously, in the order of your preference, up to three different placements. To be eligible you need to be registered to one of UEF degree programs as an active bachelor´s or master´s student during the application period.
Prior experience, previous and current study merits, and communication skills are prioritized. Trainees are expected to possess a positive service attitude, hands-on working manner, good teamwork and organizing skills, readiness to use IT tools and software, and accuracy in given tasks.
Please read the UEF Trainee offers carefully as there can be something for you that you might consider unlikely at first glance. When writing the cover letter (motivation letter), please consider what you have to offer for the employer and what motivates you to apply for this particular position. It is also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the organization and their business by thorough investigation of their web pages.
The UEF Trainee programme has gathered a list of selected collaborators who are offering training placements as a part of the programme. UEF will support 2 months or 4 months part time (50%) training positions outside the university in companies and other organizations by providing training vouchers. The prerequisites for the voucher are the minimum salary of Kela’s annual employment condition of (€1434,11/month in 2024), and a signed work contract between the employer and trainee stating a commitment to a fixed-term employment relationship for the duration of the internship. The employer can invoice university at the end of the internship by presenting copies of the pay slips and a signed work contract. Note, that these are the minimum requirements for the voucher — the employer may pay more or may offer a longer employment contract than 2 months.
UEF Trainee position does not need to be part of your studies (it can be, if you agree with your study programme). UEF Trainee position is a normal fixed term working contract. This means, that you can graduate during or even before your internship period, as long as you are a registered student during the application period.
There is quite a balanced distribution of offers both in Joensuu and Kuopio. However, these days many of the expert jobs are done mainly online, and thus, you should not limit your choices to your hometown. Note also, that some of the employers may agree that the training is done during your summer break. These, and other matters related to the working time, place, and other working conditions, are something that you need to agree with the employer before signing the work contract.
How to apply
The application needs to be submitted no later than Tue 7th January 2025 (by 16.00 hours Finnish time) by using the electronic application form.
Please note that the application is required to include the following appendices:
- CV (Job application and CV,
- a copy of your transcript of records from UEF (Student and study register PEPPI)
- Cover Letter (we recommend to write a separate cover letter for each applied position) (Writing a successful application letter, Tips for finding job, Job Market Finland)
UEF Trainee -programme is only for international degree students, and thus, students with Finnish citizenship are excluded. Neither can you apply to the programme if you have already been accepted on the programme as a UEF Trainee or if you have reserved practical training support from university previously during your degree. As the programme is only for UEF international degree students (bachelor´s and master´s students), international doctoral researchers are not eligible.
For further information please contact: Coordinator Marko Pietilä, tel. +358 40 3553039, email:
The offered training positions for the UEF Trainee 2025 Programme
Library’s Christmas season opening hours
Joensuu and Kuopio Campus Libraries
Year 2024
Monday 16.12. – Friday 20.12. 8–15 (Customer Service 10–15)
Saturday 21.12. – Sunday 29.12. closed
Monday 30.12. 8–15 (Customer Service 10–15)
Tuesday 31.12. 8–13 (Customer Service 10–13)
Year 2025
Wednesday 1.1. closed
Thursday 2.1. – Friday 3.1. 8–15 (Customer Service 10–15)
Saturday 4.1. – Monday 6.1. closed
The 24/7 self-study facilities
The 24/7 self-study facilities of Campus Libraries are open during the Christmas season. Please keep in mind that for safety reasons, each 24/7 user must enter the space one at a time using their personal access badge.
KUH Medical Library
Monday 16.12. – Thursday 19.12. 10–15
Friday 20.12.2024 – Monday 6.1.2025 closed
Other things to consider
If you have enquiries related to a 24/7 access badge, please note that Key Services is closed on the Kuopio campus from 23 December to 1 January 2025 and on the Joensuu campus from 23 December to 6 January 2025.
Our library’s interlibrary service is closed during the closing days of the campus libraries and serves again after the library has opened. Interlibrary service requests are processed in order of arrival.
You cannot order material from National Repository Library after Friday 20 December 2024. The National Repository Library will move during 2025, and it will be closed for several months.
Student, find power and purpose for your career and register to career planning and job seeking courses for the spring 2025!

Are you wondering about your future? Where will I find work? How will I be convincing in the job interview? What can I do with my degree? What are my strengths? Am I in the right field? What should I study as a minor subject? What rights and obligations do I have as an employee?
Students pondering about their future directions or seeking traineeships and employment are troubled by many questions. Nevertheless, don’t worry! Practical guidance, knowledge and support is there for you on the career planning and job seeking courses offered by UEF Career Services.
Sign up for the career planning and job seeking courses in the spring starts 16.12.2024. The first courses begin on 7th January 2025. Find the course details in Peppi!
In the Peppi Study Guide you will find further information about the courses. The courses for the academic year 2023–2024 include the following courses in English and Finnish:
- Career planning – self-study course, 1 ECTS
- Career planning – practical exercises, 1 ECTS
- Job seeking – self-study course, 1 ECTS
- Job seeking – practical exercises, 1 ECTS
- Basics of Finnish working life – self-study course, 1 ECTS (only in English)
The courses offered by the UEF Career Services are meant for all students to support and help them during studies and when the move towards working life becomes timely. The courses offer you knowledge, skills, courage and attitude for the future working life. In these courses, you can also clarify your thoughts about your future and career possibilities.
We have received positive feedback about the studies from students. Participants in the career planning self-study course have stated:
- ”I think the course was good in stirring up thoughts and it helped me analyze my own, sometimes scattered, thoughts about my future career. Although I already had a lot of knowledge about the working life, this course was a good add-on in creating my own career plan.”
- ”Thanks to the career plan I composed during the course, I now feel more confident about my studies. The course clarified my career aims and I also got a clear picture of what working life skills I already possess and what I should develop further.”
The job-seeking self-study course furnished students with hands-on tools to be used in practice:
- ”I managed to find new job seeking methods that I can use in the job seeking process. The different channels where jobs can be found were especially useful.”
The basics of Finnish working life self-study course introduces the general outlook of the Finnish working environment with its regulations and habits:
- “I think this course was good especially for foreign students who would like to find a job from Finland.”
Information about working life and career is collected in the students’ Kamu databank . In Kamu, you will also find other services offered by the Career Services and contact information.
Further information
We can be reached through the email address:

Career Monitoring Survey will end by Monday, 9th of December
The Career Monitoring Survey sent to those who completed their degree at the University of Eastern Finland in 2019 and those who doctorate in 2021 will close on Monday, December 9, 2024. Thank you to everyone who has already responded! By responding, you have provided valuable feedback on the employment, academic career paths, and university studies of graduates. If you have not yet responded, please do so soon!