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Education regulations [page]

1 January 2024Pursuant to Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University has, on 12 December 2023, approved these Education Regulations, which shall be applied in the university’s operations in addition to what is laid down in the acts and decrees, and in the University Regulations of the University of Eastern […]

University of Eastern Finland tightens regulations on the COVID-19 coronavirus [article]

The University of Eastern Finland tightens its regulations relating to the COVID-19 coronavirus. As of Friday, 13 March 2020, all work- and studies-related travel abroad is prohibited, and leisure time travel is recommended to be avoided as well. Everyone returning from abroad must work or study from home for 14 days before coming to the […]

Study regulations (mainly revoked 31.12.2023) [page]

1 August 2022 I General Section 1. Scope of application of the Study Regulations Under Section 14 of the Universities Act (558/2009), the Board of the University of Eastern Finland has, on 14 December 2020, adopted the following Study Regulations which are applied at the university, alongside the provisions laid down in acts, decrees and […]

Study-related laws and regulations [page]

Universities Act (558/2009) Act of the implementation of the Universities Act (559/2009) Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004) Administrative Procedure Act (434/2003) Act on the Openness of Government Activities (621/1999) Constitution of Finland (731/1999) University of Eastern Finland Degree Regulations (pdf) Study regulations (1.8.2019) Implementation of the change to the grading scale used in the […]

Languages of degrees and instruction [page]

In accordance with the provisions of the Universities Act (558/2009), the language of instruction and degrees at the University of Eastern Finland is Finnish. The university may also decide on the use of another language as the language of instruction and degrees, including study attainments. This regulation stipulates the languages of degrees and instruction of […]

Student, find power and purpose for your career and register to career planning and job seeking courses for the spring 2025! [article]

Are you wondering about your future? Where will I find work? How will I be convincing in the job interview? What can I do with my degree? What are my strengths? Am I in the right field? What should I study as a minor subject? What rights and obligations do I have as an employee? […]

Exam User agreement [page]

Education regulations (opens into a new window) will be complied with in the electronic exam service. The student agrees that the information collected with the video surveillance system(video and voice) can be used for supervising purposes, and that access control, video surveillance, and exam system data may be combined for identity verification. Rules of IT Service […]

Student, find power and purpose for your career and register to career planning and job seeking courses for the autumn 2024! [article]

Are you wondering about your future? Where will I find work? How will I be convincing in the job interview? What can I do with my degree? What are my strengths? Am I in the right field? What should I study as a minor subject? What rights and obligations do I have as an employee? […]

Student, find power and purpose for your career and register to career planning and job seeking courses for the spring 2023! [article]

Are you wondering about your future? Where will I find work? How will I be convincing in the job interview? What can I do with my degree? What are my strengths? Am I in the right field? What should I study as a minor subject? What rights and obligations do I have as an employee? […]