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Search Results: ukk

Maintenance breaks in Peppi and in Lukkarikone services in June 2024 [article]

There will be a maintenance break in the Peppi production environment resulting from server maintenance on 17 June 2024 from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm during the Digital Services’ monthly maintenance break. A new Lukkarikone version will be installed on 18 June 2024. The length of the maintenance break is not known yet. The contents […]

Lukkarikone – Schedule Assistant [page]

Lukkarikone shows a student’s schedule and students can also create new ones. Teachers can also create schedules in Lukkarikone based on their teaching schedules. Lukkarikone retrievesinformation from Peppi, in other words, you cannot add implementations nor sign up for anycourses in Lukkarikone. You can browse through and plan schedules in Lukkarikone even before you have […]

Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2024–2025 will be held on 5 September [article]

The Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2024–2025 will be held on Kuopio campus on Thursday, 5 September 2024, at 1.15 p.m. in the Great Lecture Hall, Snellmania building. Welcome! Opening Ceremony Service in the Great Lecture Hall at 12.15–12.45 p.m. Liturgy by University Chaplain Satu KarjalainenSpeech by ThD, MSc, Chaplain, Oona LeiviskäMusic by Cantor […]

The calendar on the student’s desktop in Peppi is currently not working [article]

The calendar on the student’s desktop in Peppi is not working at the moment. The technical support is currently investigating the problem. At the moment, timetables can be seen in Lukkarikone and Tuudo. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Large maintenance break in Peppi on 18–19 October 2023 [article]

There will be a maintenance break in Peppi on 18–19 October while a new Peppi version is installed. Note that during the maintenance break the following services will NOT be available: Services functioning partially during the maintenance break: Tuudo EXAM Moodle Prepare for the maintenance break, and do the following on 17 October at the […]

The opening ceremony of the Academic Year and Campus Happening will be held on 7 September 2023 [article]

The Opening Ceremony of the Academic Year 2023–2024 will be held on the Joensuu Campus, Carelia Hall (Yliopistokatu 4) on Thursday, 7 September 2023, from 12:00-15:30. The ceremony programme will start at 14:15 and can be followed online. The link will be published on the ceremony website. The opening ceremony will start with an academic […]

UEF campus development webinar on 29 August 2023 at 8:00–9:30 [article]

Welcome to a UEF campus development webinar on Tuesday, 29 August 2023 starting at 8:00. In addition to introducing the goals and progress of the UEF campus development project and the joint work that is to be carried out during the autumn, the webinar provides an overview of campus development from the perspectives of future […]

Repair work at the Joensuu Campus Library’s 3A hall [article]

Repair work is being done at the Joensuu Campus Library’s 3A hall. Some of our material has been temporarily moved to make room for it. As usually, you can use The Call Number Guide to locate the material or you can ask the library. The Kalevala collection is unavailable during the repair work. Suomen Yliopistokiinteistöt […]