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Olola space at the Joensuu Campus Library is not available from 15 January to 26 February 2021

Olola space at the Joensuu Campus Library is not available from 15 January to 26 February 2021. The space is under renovation.
The book drop hatch will be closed during the renovation. Books can be returned to the black mailboxes attached to the wall on the left of the library’s entrance door.
Newspapers and magazines in Olola have been moved to be read elsewhere in the library. The newspapers are on the ground floor of the library and magazines are in Hall 2A on shelf 86.


The teaching of the library will be organized online during the spring term 2021

The library’s courses on information skills and sources for undergraduate students and postgraduate students will be offered online during the spring term 2021.

More information: WebOodi and information specialists responsible for teaching


Did you publish your thesis open access? Take part in the raffle!

Every year, UEF Library raffles off a grant worth EUR 100 among UEF students who have made their master’s thesis publicly available that same year.

The 2020 grant will be given on the international Open Access Week, 19–25 October 2020. The grant will be raffled off among all UEF students who have made their master’s thesis publicly available through the UEF ePublications archive between 19th October 2019 and 11th October 2020 and who sign up for the raffle using this form.

Sign up by submitting the electronic form no later than 11th October 2020.