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Search Results: ura

Wireless networks, WiFi [page]

University of Eastern Finland campuses offer Eduroam and UEF-open wireless networks. UEF-open is available for visitors and can be accessed without login. Eduroam requires a login with UEF-OPENAn open WLAN. Mainly for the use of visitors. Usage does not require a user account or a password. EDUROAM (More information HERE)UEF staff, students and research […]

Walk-in coronavirus vaccination for students and employees of the University of Eastern Finland offered on Joensuu Campus on 7 September 2021 [article]

The joint municipal authority for North Karelia social and health services (Siun sote) and the University of Eastern Finland will hold a walk-in coronavirus vaccination event on Joensuu Campus on Tuesday 7 September 2021. The vaccinations take place in the lobby of the Carelia building from 09.00 to 11.00 and from 12.30 to 14.30. Walk-in […]

An almost normal start to the autumn term at the University of Eastern Finland [article]

The University of Eastern Finland aims to have everything running almost normally when the autumn term starts. At the moment, there is no reason why on-campus teaching should not continue, and teachers can use their own discretion when deciding how to carry out teaching. The progress of the coronavirus vaccination programme is taking us closer […]

Entrance to the Joensuu Campus Library changes [article]

Entrance to the library via Carelia entrance hall closes for the duration of the renovations on Tuesday 20.4.2021, after which the library can be entered from the F-door on the Alkukivet stones’ side of the building. As of 21.4.2021, the return machine will be located in Olola space for the duration of the renovations.

Peppi will replace WebOodi at the end of 2021. How to prepare now? [article]

The University of Eastern Finland will deploy a new student data system in late 2021. WebOodi will be replaced by a modern data ecosystem called Peppi. Peppi is an information system wherein different features are organized into virtual desktops based on user roles. Peppi comprises education planning, facility and resource reservations, and the student and […]

University of Eastern Finland suspends the arrival of international exchange students for the spring semester [article]

Due to the coronavirus situation, the University of Eastern Finland has decided to suspend the arrival of international exchange students from abroad for the duration of the spring semester. The arrival of international exchange students is suspended until 31 July 2021. The arrival of international exchange students to the University of Eastern Finland was suspended […]

Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology: Instructions for publishing the dissertation [page]

Preparing your dissertation for printing You are responsible for preparing the dissertation for publication, and the layout in practice. In Faculty of Science, Forestry and Technology it is recommended to use the layout template (Word or Latex) from the beginning of the dissertation writing process.  Please, note dissertations of Forest Sciences are published in Dissertationes […]