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Search Results: support

Nordics: Nordplus and Nordlys [page]

Via the Nordplus exchange programme, students can go on exchange to the Nordic Countries and the Baltic region. Some Nordic and Baltic universities are also available through the department-specific agreements under the Erasmus+ programme. NORDPLUS programme NORDPLUS is a student exchange programme for Bachelor’s and Master’s level students that is funded by the Nordic Council […]

Funding your studies abroad [page]

General information The tuition fees of the host university are waived for the outgoing exchange students who go on exchange via the exchange programmes or bilateral agreements of University of Eastern Finland. However, the outgoing exchange students should be prepared for other costs (study materials, membership fees, photocopies, etc.) In most student exchange programmes (including […]

General instructions for applying [page]

Calls for applications and application period Calls for exchange applications are programme-specific information notices, that include information about each exchange programme’s placements and host universities, application deadlines, and other important information related to the application. Calls for applications are published at the beginning of the application period in the Calls for applications for student exchange […]

Nordics, North America: north2north [page]

The purpose of the north2north programme is to support mutual research and understanding of the northern regions and promote high-quality education in North America, the Nordic countries, and Russia. The north2north programme is the University of the Arctic’s internal student mobility programme. As a speciality of the programme, the studies of the participating students must […]

Equality [page]

According to the Equality Act, universities and other bodies providing education and training must ensure that women and men have equal opportunities for education, training and professional development, and that teaching, research and instructional materials support the attainment of equality (Section 5). Special attention must be given to equality and equal opportunity in student selections, […]

Safety and security [page]

The crime rate is low in Finland in comparison to most other European countries. Visitors have little need to fear for their personal safety or their property. Nevertheless, reasonable caution with personal belongings is always recommended as a precaution. Incoming international students are reminded to take into consideration that although Finland is a safe, tolerant […]

Student’s obligations [page]

Studying at the university has very few restrictions. With this freedom comes responsibility for your own studies and completing them in a timely manner. Students are helped with planning their studies, but usually not without them asking for help and support first. Students are also responsible for finding out what is needed to complete their […]

Substance abuse programme for students [page]

University of Eastern Finland has a Substance abuse programme for Students (pdf). Substance abuse contact persons Every faculty has named a substance abuse contact person. Their task is to support staff in order to take substance abuse in discussion. If needed, they arrange case management meeting with FSHS. Philosophical faculty: Riikka Myllys (Joensuu Campus) Faculty of […]

Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY) [page]

ISYY is here to advocate UEF students’ rights ant to provide services! The Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (opens in a new tab), ISYY, is UEF students’ advocacy and service organisation. All Bachelor’s and Master’s degree students of UEF despite their study field are automatically required to join ISYY according to the […]

Student sports services [page]

Exercise has a proven positive effect on maintaining physical and mental health. A fun exercise session during free time is the best possible way of promoting a feeling of togetherness and bringing the students and staff closer together. SYKETTÄ Sport Services offers a diverse and inexpensive sports calendar for students and staff members. Break exercise […]