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Search Results: learning

University Study Skills 8031003, 1 cp [page]

Hi there new student! Are you looking for support to get your studies started? Would you like to learn new study skills to enhance your learning? What does it actually take to study at a Finnish university? Where to get help if you feel home sick or stressed? University Study Skills (8031003, 1 CP) The […]

Other support for well-being in studies [page]

This page is used to advertise training courses and groups that support student well-being, which are organised by the university or its partners for university students. On Joensuu campus: See what’s current on FSHS – Finnish Student Health Service Nyyti ry is an association that organises forums and discussions for online groups that focus on […]

Campus pastors [page]

What is a campus pastor? Campus pastors are assigned by the Church on campuses for students and staff. They act in the university community as experts in communality and the growth, changes, and learning of personal life. Activities of the campus pastor The campus pastors offer individual guidance by offering verbal aid for personal growth […]

Academic study skills [page]

Academic study skills Appropriate study skills are an important element in achieving academic success. Studying at a Finnish university may differ considerably from studying in some other country, and international students may discover that they need to adapt their study habits to be able to meet the academic requirements. Academic freedom is one of the […]

FAQ: Frequently asked questions about student exchange [page]

This page covers frequently asked questions about student exchange. Questions have been grouped as follows: Why is student exchange a good idea? Studying abroad often gives a new and broader perspective to your own field of study and offers the chance to take courses not provided by your home university. The exchange period will improve […]

Europe: Erasmus+ [page]

Erasmus+ is the most extensive European student exchange programme funded by the EU. This page contains more information on the programme, along with a list of host universities by academic departments. University of Eastern Finland also has bilateral agreements with some European universities. In addition, the Nordic Countries are available through the Nordplus programme. You […]

Open university [page]

All the Finnish universities organize open university courses. Open universities are a part of the Finnish adult education system and they offer every adult an opportunity to participate in education, which follows the curricula of the Universities. Each open university provides teaching on its own and in cooperation with such educational institutions as adult education […]

Reinstating study right [page]

NOTE! You should register to all your active study rights as either present or absent in the Oili registration service during the registration period. If you register for all of your study rights, you will not lose your study right and will not need to apply for reinstating your study right. With one application and […]

Student Union membership fees [page]

ISYY, the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (opens in a new tab), looks after the students’ rights and interests. ISYY operates on both the Joensuu and Kuopio campus. On this page you can find information on the following subjects: Bachelor’s and master’s degree students’ fees Under the student union act, all bachelor’s […]

Registration as being absent [page]

Each student must register as being present or absent for each one of their active study rights in the Oili registration service annually within the registration period. NOTE! Remember to register as being present or absent for each one of your active study rights! You can find the registration instructions here: Registration instructions for new […]