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Search Results: eu

Visa and residence permit [page]

Passport In general, a foreign citizen must carry a valid passport in order to enter Finland. Finland is a Schengen country (the link opens up in a new tab) and usually the checks at the common borders have been abolished. But under special conditions the border check can be introduced. The Schengen Area consists of […]

Do you want to take part in commercializing research? [article]

Are you studying business as your major or minor subject? Do you want to apply your skills in an interdisciplinary context? We are looking for students who together with researchers want to explore the opportunities to commercialize innovations done in our university. Enroll now to the course “Entrepreneurial Project Work” (5215219) in weboodi. When we […]

Welcome to ISYY’s 9th Annual Jubilee on 16 March 2019 in Kuopio! [article]

Welcome to celebrate the 9th Annual Jubilee of the Student Union of the University of Eastern Finland (ISYY)! The Annual Jubilee is held on Saturday 16 March 2019 in Sokos Hotel Puijonsarvi in Kuopio. Programme The greeting reception starts at 4:30 pm on Saturday 16 March at VB Photographic Centre (Kuninkaankatu 14–16). Please reserve your […]

Student Survey [article]

University of Eastern Finland is taking part of the European Student Survey, which is part of the Europe Teaching Rankings. This survey is aimed at all students of the University of Eastern Finland. Please, participate in the survey by 28.2.2019. It takes less than 10 minutes to complete. The survey examines students´ commitment to their […]

Theses [page]

All degrees conclude with a supervised written paper called a thesis. The following is a list of theses at UEF: The students get support to their thesis writing process in the form of seminars in which the participants typically present their work and comment on each other’s thesis plans at various stages. This way all […]

Study Coordinators [page]

Programme coordinators provide information on admissions and studies. They will help you in making your personal study plan. E-mail addresses: (instead of ä and ö, use a and o). Contact information is available also in the UEF//Connect. For general student advisory at the Faculties, the Language Center and the Centre for Continuous Learning (in […]

Equivalency certificate [page]

The Government Decree on University Degrees (794/2004, Section 26) stipulates that ”a university where a study attainment can be completed that forms part of the teacher education studies referred to in Section 19 may issue a certificate on request indicating that the applicant has demonstrated acquisition of knowledge and skills corresponding to the study attainment […]

Grant for studies and/or research period [article]

GRANT FOR STUDIES AND/OR RESEARCH PERIOD ABROAD IN 2019   Target groups and eligibility criteria The Saastamoinen Foundation has donated EUR 10,000 to the University of Eastern Finland, to be used for the Anitta Etula Special Grant. The grant will be awarded to one Master’s level student with a doctoral study right or to one […]

Transition period – completing studies [page]

At the University of Eastern Finland, curricula are usually confirmed for three academic years at a time. When the curriculum changes, transition rules are decided between the new and old curriculum. You will find further information on transitional provisions on the education regulations and on the academic rector’s decision. Faculties may have their own practices, […]

Happening for students: Kuopio 13 Sept & Joensuu 14 Sept – New Beginnings [article]

Happening for students: Kuopio 13 Sept & Joensuu 14 Sept – New Beginnings Come and collect tips for ecological living, cooking, recycling, housekeeping and saving – and reused kitchen utensils for free! An event for students and young people who have recently moved to live independently. Organised by The Martha Organisation at 10-14 hours Kuopio: […]