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Search Results: info

Student Exchange Info, Thu 4 Nov 3-4pm! [article]

Exchange infosession today 3-4pm! International Mobility Services organises an info session on student exchange that is open to all UEF students on Thursday, 4 November 2021 from 3.00 p.m. to 4.00 p.m. (15.00-16.00) via Zoom (link available here). During the info session, we will talk about the basics of student exchange and student exchange options […]

Coming soon: Peppi info session and question time for UEF students! [article]

University of Eastern Finland will deploy a new student data system in late 2021. WebOodi will be replaced by a modern data ecosystem called Peppi. All UEF students are welcome to join a Peppi info session to learn about the Peppi data ecosystem and its deployment at the UEF. Peppi info session for students in […]

Information about 10% contract of employment [page]

University of Eastern Finland offers grant researchers an opportunity to conclude a part-time (10%) contract of employment for everyone who has an external funding of at least 12 months and meets other criteria listed below. In practice this means that the tasks related to this contract are agreed between the grant researcher and the head […]

UEF info session on 19 August 2021 at 10–11 [article]

Welcome to a UEF info session on Thursday, 19 August 2021, starting at 10. The topic of the info session will be the coronavirus situation and its effects on this autumn’s teaching. The info session will be led by the university’s Rector, Academic Rector and Director of Administration. The info session will be recorded and […]

UEF info session on 19 August 2021 at 10–11 [article]

Welcome to a UEF info session on Thursday, 19 August 2021, starting at 10. The topic of the info session will be the coronavirus situation and its effects on this autumn’s teaching. The info session will be led by the university’s Rector, Academic Rector and Director of Administration. The info session will be recorded and […]

Questionnaire about experiences with stress and information systems in your studies [article]

Answer a questionnaire and win EUR 50 Answering the questionnaire is optional, and takes 10-15 minutes. By answering this questionnaire you can become one of the three lucky winners of a 50€ prize. The questionnaire asks you about your experiences with stress and information systems in your studies. Your answers are anonymous. Link to questionnaire: […]

Info session for international students on Wednesday, 28 April, at 14-15 [article]

Welcome to an online info session for international students on Wednesday, 28 April 2021, at 14–15. NB: The event is intended primarily for degree students. Topics: Supporting student’s well-being Welfare coordinators introduce themselves Summer and autumn teaching offerings Please, join the info session here. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to […]

Peppi info sessions and question times for UEF students in March and April [article]

University of Eastern Finland will deploy a new student data system in late 2021. WebOodi will be replaced by a modern data ecosystem called Peppi. The Peppi ecosystem includes a lot of diverse functions and plug-ins that will make every-day working and studying at the UEF easier. In addition to the student data system, Peppi […]

UEF info session on 18 March 2021 at 15–16 [article]

Welcome to a UEF info session on Thursday, 18 March, starting at 15.00. The topics of the info session include the coronavirus situation and student and staff well-being. Professor Markku Niemivirta will present the results of a survey on student well-being. The info session will be led by the university´s Rector, Academic Rector and Director […]